Saturday, October 20, 2007

End of the World Scheduled for December 21, 2012

That's what many, many prophecies say.

And we have an Anti-Christ in George W. Bush to help fulfill them!

The World Ends Wednesday

The World Ends Wednesday by Down the Middle Well, he said it...World War III. Just what the folks back home have been waiting for. Those three little words that I was suckled on during the Cold War. Those three little words that cause every Yuppie north of the Mason-Dixon to stain his Beemer's leather seat and raises the expectations of impending Rapture in the Fundamentalist South, while also convincing another thousand kids to live their lives like there's no tomorrow.

Yes, Mr. President, you've gone and done it now. While you were supposed to be out hunting down ole bin Laden and looking for Dick's magic B-52, you just had to start talking and you know what happens then. One glance away from the ole teleprompter and then, thaaar she blows! Oh, what the hell. It's not like it's really anything new. It was just the mention of those three little words.

At least Keith Olbermann, my most celebrated (tolerated) talking head, got some mileage out of it. He actually popped the questions, "Is the man actually still in control of his faculties?" and "Is he using some checklist for a countdown to Armageddon?" Boy, I bet that one got the folks to thinking. "Screw Junior's college fund, we're going to Vegas this weekend!"

Of course, there are those who won't totally panic. The forces of logic and hope will simply use Bush's faux pas to swing more votes over to the Democratic Party's � "Wicked Witch of the West", in high hopes of overcoming the repetitious chant of America's Mayor's other three words of "9/11, 9/11, 9/11!"

The truth is, I really don't understand what everybody's freaking about. You're making a big deal out of his supposed fundamentalism, when he's out there hanging with the Dalai Lama and awarding him a bipartisan gold medal for peace, describing him as "a universal symbol of peace and tolerance" and "a shepherd for the faithful." So you see, Bush is really a Buddhist and there's nothing to worry about. In fact, with that kind of praise, I'm sure the Lama will grant him total consciousness on his deathbed, so he's got that going for him.

What's the matter, folks? Surely, you're not going to let Georgie put the same old scare into you again. Don't you ever watch the History Channel? It's overflowing with Armageddon prophecies like the one about the Mayan calendar abruptly ending on December 21, 2012, or the Hopi thing about going from the fourth world into the fifth world, on December 21, 2012, or even the latest one on the five thousand year old Book of Changes I Ching fortune telling system that graphs out to, uh, December 21, 2012. In fact, there are so many doomsday predictions about 2012, there's websites where you could probably find a cool tee shirt to celebrate the event.

Personally, I'm holding out for the recently advertised, "probably, maybe, could-have-been the lost end-time prophecy" book of Nostradamus. Then I'll know the probably, maybe, could-be end-time prophecies of someone who may have been Nostradamus, or probably, maybe, could-be un-kept hermit with a computer, hiding in his basement and smoking who knows what.

Yes, the world is in for trouble, because man will not follow the rules. Which rules, you say? I would venture a guess that "Love your neighbor, as you would be loved" might be a good start, but I suppose that's passe. It's all about money now -- actually money and power, which are somewhat synonymous and perpetual in motion. Some men will do anything to get it, some men will do anything to control the world. Most men will do nothing to stop them, so doomsday will inevitably come.

By the way, that would be Wednesday, the twenty-first of December, 2012, which leaves only one question. Was your first thought about not paying your bills, that month?"