Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Dirty Bomb That Isn't

If this ever does happen, not only are we looking at ANOTHER INSIDE JOB, but the government will not even know if it was or not!!!

But, they will TELL US it WAS!!!!

Fucking CUI BONO?

You'll NEVER GET AWAY with another one, shitters!

"Report: US lacks testing labs in event of dirty bomb" by Eileen Sullivan/Associated Press October 26, 2007

WASHINGTON - The United States has a shortage of laboratories to test the thousands of people who might be exposed to radiation if a "dirty bomb" detonated in a major city, according to a congressional report released yesterday.

Just bringing up the issue makes me think a false-flagger is in the works.

As "24" conditions Americans to torture, so do the news stories of potential "terrorist" attacks!

It must be the

If a dirty bomb goes off in a major downtown area and potentially exposes 100,000 people to radioactive materials, it could take four years to complete the necessary testing, according to the report that was prepared for the House Committee on Science and Technology.

But this government LOVES YOU and wants to PROTECT YOU!!!

Except they don't care if you get radiation sickness because of a "terror" attack.

But they have plenty of funds to invade Middle Eastern countries and toss around aid to everyone else in the world!

Can build an Iraqi police force, and give money to foreign countries for schools and healthcare, but if a dirty bom goes off in a city, YOU'RE FUCKED, American!!!!

Can the FRAUD of this "WAR" be any CLEARER, readers?

A dirty bomb is a device that contains some radioactive material that could contaminate a limited area, but would not create nuclear explosions.

They have that in mind, too!!!!

Should this happen in a big city, the nation would not be able to conduct the necessary tests quickly because there are few labs capable of doing so in the country. Also, the tests available address only six of the 13 radiological isotopes that would probably be used in a dirty bomb, according to the report.

And yet it is the GREATEST THREAT we have ever faced?

The STINK is starting to get to me!

And how would "Al-CIA-Duh" get those isotopes?

Right, that's (CIA) how!

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates this scenario would produce 350,000 samples to be tested.

With the EPA's current lab capacity, it would take two years to complete the testing, said Dana Tulis of the EPA's office of emergency management.

Representative Brad Miller, Democrat of North Carolina, chairman of the subcommittee holding a hearing on the issue:

"We are likely headed for a radiological Katrina if terrorists do succeed in detonating a dirty bomb in an American city."

Or if the government does -- like on 9/11!

The report acknowledges that this type of dirty-bomb scenario would probably not cause massive casualties, but Miller said four years is too long to wait for results of whether people need medical treatment.

Miller said in an interview Wednesday;

"I can't imagine a parent, who is told that their child can be tested for cesium in 2 1/2 more years, is going to be reassured to hear that their child probably won't die."

So why isn't this government truly caring for us, America?!

Got their Globalist population reduction plans, and this will help, won't it?

Let's see
first WTC attack: 6 dead

Oklahoma City: 100s dead

September 11: 3,000 dead

The dirty bomb = 10000s dead?

A full nuke = MILLIONS?

DON'T EVEN TRY IT, because WE KNOW shitters!

Meanwhile, they have stolen BILLIONS upon BILLIONS for WARS, but they can't get any testing labs built for us?