Thursday, March 25, 2010

Saying It For Us All

" Dear President Obama

What those of us who supported you wanted for health care was a system such as they have in other civilized nations in which the government taxes the people, then spends the taxes to take care of the people, proving education, good roads, good schools, and health care. Canada does that. So does France. So does Norway.

Here in the United States we have been living under a different system in which the government takes our money and gives it to Wall Street, gives it to Israel, and spends the rest on perpetual preparations for wars.

As a result, the US citizen is expected to (after forking over all that cash to the government for Wall Street, Israel, and war) pay for their own advanced education and health care, often going deeply into debt in the process.

I would like to share an anecdotal story that I heard only last night from a well-traveled friend who recently witnessed medical care in the US and in France for similar minor injuries. Cost in the US, $700. In France, for a similar injury, the French doctors were most apologetic that because my friend was not a French citizen, he would have to pay for the medical care. The cost in France was 45 Euros! Cost for the prescription medicine in the US was $240. Same exact medicine in France (same manufacturer) was about 1/10th of the American cost. I mention this only to point out that medicine in the US is a huge money-making operation, indeed a racket, and your health bill totally avoids addressing that fact.

Now then, back to the basics.

The problem with your approach to health care is that it doesn't change the basic American system. Most of our money is still being sucked away to give to Wall Street, Israel, and the War Machine. The basic care of this nation and its infrastructure has been abandoned, and there is a documentary "The Crumbling of America" on History International that details how bad things are.

Your new health care plan, which in the short version provides health insurance to all Americans by forcing them to go out and buy health insurance, merely continues the old system. We are still expected to pay for our health care (the most expensive in the world and 29th in quality). The only difference is that now we have the IRS watch us do it.

This is not what we wanted when we voted you in. You promised to stop these wars and to bring our kids and our money back home to this nation which needs both.
Your health care reform does not really reform anything, it just wraps the present oligarchical system in more red tape. You may have made a lot of your campaign donors very happy, Barack, but We The People are mightily pissed at you and your Congress.

Thanks, Mike.