Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why China is Better Than AmeriKa

One reason is because the Chinese are afraid of their people (second item down)!

Another is because the Chinese people are TREATED BETTER by their government!!!!

"Chinese worried in boom, poll says

WASHINGTON - Large numbers of Chinese are happy with their nation's direction and booming economy but are worried about rising prices, pollution, and the gap between the rich and poor, according to a poll released yesterday. Two-thirds of Chinese give their government high marks for handling important problems, the survey by the Pew Research Center said. Three of four approve of Beijing's policy limiting most couples to one child, though it's less popular with lower-income people. The findings contrast sharply with recent polling in the United States showing large majorities of Americans holding negative views about their country's direction, its leaders in the White House and Congress, and economic conditions (AP)."

Yeah, but we got "freedom!"