Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Where Are We Going?

That includes me as well as you, and in fact the whole world.

Everyday I awake and shell out my 75 cents to see what agenda the Zionist-controlled MSM is pushing today and it is always the same old shit.

It is getting to the point where I am tired of all the DIVISIVE DISTRACTIONS of the AmeriKan MSM! I mean, WE ALL KNOW WHERE THIS GLOBALIST, ZIONIST SHIT is headed!!!!!

What is even worse is the arrogant way in which they push the agenda, as if they are somehow looking out for the greater good.

The time may be coming where this blog truly shortens down the posts, because I am getting to the point where I no longer want to see or read MSM at all. I'm sick of being lied to, and condescended to, and insulted, really.

I mean, the AmeriKan shit sheets people rely on for news are total garbage now (and always were, really). I NO LONGER PURCHASE the New York Times, and I RARELY VISIT their website these days.

I post Globe stories because I bought the paper, but I'm getting tired of the early morning shit feast. It isn't doing me any good.

Oh, and the TV? I don't watch cable news anymore.

Can you tell I'm VERY UNHAPPY with today's shit rag?