Saturday, July 5, 2008

WhatReallyHappened on WhatReallyHappened


"Hackers have been busy attacking the servers of What Really Happened non stop for the past two weeks... Today they succeeded in shutting them down completely. Being a holiday weekend, they are having difficulty getting technicians to rectify the situation...."

Posted Jul 5, 2008 10:56 AM PST

Obviously, we are back up and running (and already the hack attacks are resuming).

I want to make a point here.

All this crap the US Government is saying about ow it needs to read our emails to find the terrorists is nonsense. Real terrorists (not the Mossad phonies running around playing at being Al Qaeda) may safely be presumed to use the same methods hackers use. So, if the US Government cannot find and stop the hackers, they cannot find and stop real terrorists. If the US Government cannot read the hackers' emails in order to arrest then, then the US Government cannot read the terrorists' emails to find and arrest them.

The continuing presence of the hacker problem is proof that the US Government is totally impotent to deal with a real terror threat on the internet. They can't do it. Their cyber-dicks are limp.

So, all this monitoring of the emails of ordinary citizens is a total waste of time and tax money."

More (from other bloggers): WRH is down due to hacker attacks