The solution could not possibly be more obvious. We can no longer afford the rich. Radical changes are needed, starting with the abolition of all stock. Companies should be owned by their workers, who even more than shareholders have a vested interest in keeping their company viable over the long haul. Land should be owned in trust by the men and women (and kids) who work the land. Until everyone has a roof over their head, no one should own more than one home.
The concept of short-term profits should be abolished forever. Wall Street has proven that your average investor, gifted with a child, will sell that child to foreign “investors” when the child hits peak market value (about 8-9 years old). Studies have shown that out of every 1,000 investors, exactly none of them will keep the child until it is grown, let alone make further investments in more education.
But no one will listen to me. Which is OK, really. I’d rather wait a little longer and then get to watch the capitalists’ bodies swaying in the breeze as they hang from the streetlights outside my window.
Given the choice of their money or their lives, we all know they’ll opt to keep the money. Greed is insane that way, or haven’t you noticed the way in which the rich have turned our entire nation into a rat-infested, shit-smeared-on-the-walls one-bedroom apartment (but with a swimming pool out back and a greenhouse for the orchids). Like their European forebears from centuries before, the rich walk among us, handkerchieves over their faces as they try to ignore the stink from the mess they’ve made.
Kill the rich. Whether you hang them from a lamppost or feed them to your pets, they’re better off dead. Money doesn’t make them happy — they’ve said so, repeatedly.
You can see why the blog appeals to me, don't you?
Oh, smell harder, readers.
I think you know what I mean!