Friday, July 25, 2008

Well Goodye, Dolly!

And hello, $$$!!!

Courtesy of the big man, who swung right into action

President Bush declared south Texas a disaster area to release federal funding to 15 counties"

"South Texas begins cleanup after punch from Hurricane Dolly; Estimators put the storm's losses at $750 million" by Elizabeth White, Associated Press | July 25, 2008

HARLINGEN, Texas - Residents across south Texas slogged through knee-deep muddy waters, tiptoed around downed power lines, and dug through debris yesterday, but were thankful that Hurricane Dolly didn't pack the wallop they had feared.

And here the TV was full of the warnings and the fear.

Downed power lines remained the greatest danger, and South Texas officials urged people to stay home one more day "unless it's life or death." One person in Matamoros, Mexico, died from electrocution after walking past a power line on the ground.

Residents picked up the pieces of their houses and businesses blown apart by the storm. But as dry skies spread over the region, they were struck by relief that the storm didn't take many lives. Even so, there will be substantial cleanup: President Bush declared south Texas a disaster area to release federal funding to 15 counties.

The storm was expected to break up by today.
