All hail Iz-ray-HELL, 'eh?

Mahmoud Abbas (from left), Nicolas Sarkozy, and Ehud Olmert at the Elysee Palace in Paris before a summit. (Antoine Antoniol/Bloomberg News)
"Sarkozy launches union for Mediterranean region; Optimism, old divisions mark summit" by Angela Charlton, Associated Press | July 14, 2008
PARIS - The summit did not mask all the divisions that crisscross the region: President Bashar Assad of Syria left the enormous table before Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel gave his speech to the more than 40 leaders seated around it, Israeli government officials said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter. It was the first time the two men had sat at the same table.
President Nicolas Sarkozy told leaders from more than 40 nations in Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa:
"The European and the Mediterranean dreams are inseparable," "We will succeed together; we will fail together."
Yes, in the end, you globalists WILL FAIL!
Now I may not be around to see it, but you WILL FAIL!!!!
As part of the summit, the participating nations, including Israel and Arab states, agreed to work for a zone free of weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. That includes nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, as well as their delivery systems, according to a declaration issued at the summit. The countries will "consider practical steps to prevent the proliferation" of such weapons, it said.
HA-HA-HA-HA!!! Good luck on that one!!!
Good luck getting Israel to give up its nukes!!!
What the article should say is that this is all rhetoric against IRAN!
But then again, why would the agenda-advancing, Zionist-controlled, Amerikan MSM want you to understand or know that?
Here is more on Assad, before I finish with more BS from the AmeriKan War Daily.
"Assad: Iran war will cost US, Israel dear
Syria has cautioned that a military attack on Iran over its nuclear program would have serious repercussions for US, Israel and the world.
Bashar al-Assad, in an interview with France Inter radio on Monday, criticized the US government, stressing an attack on Iran would be far from rational:
"It will cost the United States and the planet dear. Israel will pay directly the price of this war. Iran has said so. The problem is not the action and reaction. The problem is that when one starts such an action in the Middle East, one cannot manage the reactions that can spread out over years or even decades. This administration is an administration whose doctrine is a warmonger's doctrine. It does not reason with our logic, and that of most European countries, most countries in the world."
Which is why Bush is going to DO IT anyway!
And this kind of garbage in the paper really makes you sick:
"Before Abbas meeting, Olmert says peace closer than ever" by Amy Teibel, Associated Press | July 14, 2008
Fuck you and your shit propaganda, NaZionist puke!!!!
PARIS - Israel has continued its contentious construction of homes on lands the Palestinians want for a future state, and has done little to scale back a network of roadblocks in the West Bank that hinder Palestinian movement and have severely handicapped prospects for the Palestinian economy.
Yeah, but that crap and the SIEGE of GAZA gets barely a blip of a mention!
And notice the bias, as if the land is in dispute somehow, as if Israel isn't stealing land.
Yes, readers, I am sick of the shit Zio-bias served up as "news' in the shit War Daily I purchase every day!
That may be coming to an end soon!
Because many Palestinian families have members in Israeli jails, prisoner releases are of paramount importance to the Palestinian people. Previous releases have numbered in the dozens or hundreds.
Again, they don't tell you Israel has THOUSANDS of Palestinians in their jails (including children and Hamas legislators) and that Israel TORTURES them!!!
Imagine a U.S. congressman in some foreign country's jail, readers, (not Israel, of course, because then you wouldn't hear a peep), and the STINK IT WOULD RAISE in the Zionist-controlled war Dailies!
Bush would be declaring war the next day!!!
Case closed on the shit AmeriKan MSM, and soon my posts for the day.
Can't take much more of this.