You know, the lady that said 1.5 MILLION DEAD CHILDREN through STARVATION was WORTH IT?
And is it JUST COINCIDENCE that the globalist pair FAIL TO MENTION BIOFUELS in their proposed "solutions?"
Also see: The Boston Globe Celebrates Global Government
"Doing our part to feed the world" by Madeleine K. Albright and John D. Podesta | July 8, 2008
Madeleine K. Albright, former US secretary of state, is principal of The Albright Group LLC. John D. Podesta, former chief of staff to President Clinton, is president and CEO of the Center for American Progress.
The dismal state of affairs in the global food situation underscores the need for US leadership in addressing a world agricultural system that is facing new challenges.
The United States can lead the way in achieving lasting global food security with a renewed commitment to long term investment in agricultural development in the world's poorest nations. Japan, as host nation of this week's Group of Eight summit and with US concurrence, must go further than its earlier announcements on rice and release up to 1 million tons of its current stockpile. Key rice producers around the world, including India, Pakistan, and Vietnam, should follow suit and fulfill their recent promises to tap their own surpluses to feed the global market.
Why? Why should they open up their grain stocks?
Did THEY TURN THEIR GRAIN into GAS that sits in vats in the Midwest (ponder that for a moment if you don't believe in the population reduction plans)?
Looks like AmeriKa made a BAD CALL, huh (unless you are a privileged globalist)?
And PLEASE SEE: Fighting Over Fuel
The recent surge in food prices has had a devastating effect. In much of the developing world, where 60 percent to 80 percent of a family's income is spent on food, every 20 percent increase in food prices pushes 100 million more people into the ranks of the poorest of the poor - those who live on less than $1 a day.
Yeah, because of POLICIES PRESCRIBED by PEOPLE LIKE YOU, Ms. Mass-Murderer!!!!!!
The roots of the food crisis can be found in a complex cycle of factors including skyrocketing energy costs, increased demand from emerging economies, financial turmoil, commodity speculation, drought, and other weather emergencies.
That tells you ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!!!
The longer term solution is far more complex. A first and mandatory step is to rationalize our agricultural policies and increase our investments in agricultural production.
The food crisis must be a top priority at this week's G8 summit. Agriculture continues to experience more trade distortions than any sector in the global economy. For its part, the developed world - particularly the United States, the European Union, and Japan - must confront the global impact of our subsidies and tariffs on agricultural products. Barriers to trade between developing countries must also be reduced. The United States should redouble its diplomatic efforts with key food producing countries to discourage government and private sector export restrictions that encourage hoarding.
The evidence is clear that our global agricultural system is broken and that in our interdependent world, food security is a challenge we must tackle together.
Actually, since YOU GUYS BROKE IT, I don't want you to have ANY ROLE in FIXING IT, 'kay?!?!
Over the long term, getting the system right will require heavy political lifting, painstaking negotiations, and the modernization of agricultural policies that have not kept pace with globalization.
Translation: We Globalists HAVE a PLAN!!!!
And as if you need any more proof of what liars these monsters are

Gordon Brown and his fellow world leaders have sparked outrage after it was disclosed they enjoyed a six-course lunch followed by an eight-course dinner at the G8 summit where the global food crisis tops the agenda.
Yup, and these GLUTTONOUS ELITES are going to FEED the world's poor, huh?
Fucking WAKE UP, WORLD!!!!!!!
The Prime Minister was served 24 different dishes during his first day at the summit – just hours after urging the world to reduce the "unnecessary demand" for food and calling on British families to cut back on their wasteful use of food.
EAT the FUCKING RICH!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr Brown and his wife Sarah were among 15 guests at the "blessings of the earth and the sea social dinner." The dinner consisted of 18 dishes in eight courses including caviar, smoked salmon, Kyoto beef and a "G8 fantasy dessert."
The banquet was accompanied by five different wines from around the world including champagne, a French Bourgogne and sake. African leaders including the heads of Ethiopia, Tanzania and Senegal who had taken part in talks during the day were not invited to the function.
Oh my God!!!! What an INSULT!!!!!!!
The globalists are starving the African elite!!!!
What makes you think they care about the average African?!?
I'm OUTRAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dinner came just hours after a "working lunch" consisting of six courses including white asparagus and truffle soup, crab and a supreme of chicken. The lavish dining arrangements – disclosed by the Japanese Government which is hosting the summit in Hokkaido – come amid growing concern over rising food prices triggered by a shortage of many basic necessities.
Obviously, the troubles in the world are NOT the concern of the stink-shit global elite -- after all, they are the ones DRIVING IT!!!
Oh, most definitely, FRY UP the RICH in a SKILLET!!!!!!
On the flight to the summit, Mr Brown urged Britons to cut food waste as part of a global drive to help avert the food crisis.
Yeah, and HOW MUCH of a CARBON FOOTPRINT was that flight, Brown?!
Un-fucking-believable, the ARROGANT and ELITIST SHIT STINK!!!!!!!!!!
Opposition politicians and charities condemned the extravagant meals.
Dominic Nutt, of Save the Children, said: "It is deeply hypocritical that they should be lavishing course after course on world leaders when there is a food crisis and millions cannot afford a decent meal to eat.
"If the G8 wants to betray the hopes of a generation of children, it is going the right way about it. The food crisis is an emergency and the G8 must treat it as that."
Andrew Mitchell, the shadow International Development Secretary, said: "The G8 have made a bad start to their summit, with excessive cost and lavish consumption.
"Surely it is not unreasonable for each leader to give a guarantee that they will stand by their solemn pledges of three years ago at Gleneagles to help the world's poor. All of us are watching, waiting and listening."
The truth is THIS IS NOTHING NEW for the SHITSTINK FUCKS!!!!!!!!!
FUCKING EAT 'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mr Brown arrived at the G8 summit held on the holiday island of Hokkaido in northern Japan on Monday morning. He arrived on a plane chartered from Texas, America, which had to fly empty for thousands of miles to pick up the Prime Minister and his entourage.
Yup, global warming, I mean, "climate change," yup!!!
The lavish dining will embarrass Mr Brown, who has made tackling the global food crisis a key priority. On the flight to the summit, the Prime Minister urged British people to cut food waste and "reduce unnecessary demand."
First step: GUT YOUR FUCKING FAT ASS!!!!!!!!!
The Prime Minister's spokesman declined to comment on the menus."
Why, his mouth full of food?
"Well, besides using up food crops and driving up food prices, producing a far less energetic fuel that you have to buy and burn more of to get the same work, and setting aside the fact that ethanol fuel destroys the engine gaskets in the fuel system, what's to doubt? I mean, it's not like biofuel was supposed to actually work; it's just another sounds-good-on-TV not-quite-thought-all-the-way-through jingo for political campaigns." -- Mike Rivero of