Monday, July 07, 2008

"It's like deja-vu, all over again"...Yogi Berra
With the drum beat for war in Iran sounding louder and louder each day, I can't help but think, I've been here before. American dual citizen think tanks are a flutter spreading the word about all of the dangers posed by Iran to the United States and of course our goodest and bestus friend in the whole wide world, Israel. Their already formulating and spreading their ideas to the media about how easily we could bring Iran to its knees. Hell, we may not even need any troops for this one. Yes and don't worry about a thing think tank boys, we Zionists in newspaper and magazine editorial rooms across the country got your flank. And soon as we get the word from the Zionist money men(what other kinds are there), then we'll get our treason monkeys in Congress and the Administration lined up for war. Rest assured Iran will not get nuclear weapons as sure as Israel is now dumping its nuclear weapons program waste in the Syrian territory conquered decades ago. And let no one forget how vulnerable Israel is, sitting on the only nuclear weapons stockpile in the Middle East.
There are two guys out there who have taken a lot of shit in the past few years over a paper and then a book written about the power of Israel's Lobby and its influence on American foreign policy. These guys actually had the nerve to suggest that the Iraq war was fought for the benefit of Israel. Needless to say, Zionist treason monkeys in academia and in our media and an endless array of Zionist organizations have feigned outrage over their work. How dare these once highly regarded experts in international relations point out what everyone else is thinking, but lacks the nerve to say. What do they know about real life. They are just pointy headed college professors. They are nothing like those brilliant Zionist think tank guys who have been floating in Bush's tank the past decade with a perfect record of getting everything wrong.
Well these two crazy professors, Walt and Mearsheimer, had an idea that invading Iraq was not in our national interest. They warned America in a New York Times paid advertisement months before the war along with 31 other scholars on international relations, that "we have no plausible exit strategy. Iraq is a deeply divided society that the United States would have to occupy for many years to create a viable state." What!!!? How could those damn scholars know stuff like that? I wonder if that's why we kept finding piles of dead Iraqi bodies all over the place? And if you wanted a realistic idea before the war of how much it would cost, I hope you didn't waste any time asking the Zionists in Bush's tank. All you needed was another Walt and Mearsheimer pre war publication. 50 to a 100 billion for starters and a lot more if we get involved in a long occupation. Amazing.
It does seem funny now that the most reliable news coming from the New York Times at that time was presented in it's paid advertising section. Rest assured, I'll be putting my marbles on those 31 scholars in the future. I think I've heard all that I need to from our Zionist think tanks and media. Just like then, an attack on Iran is not in our national interest. If you don't believe me ask the scholars that got it right the first time.