An Iraqi girl reacted as a US soldier searched her family's home yesterday in Sa'ada, north of Baghdad in Diyala province. (Associated Press)
Yeah, she really looks liberated, doesn't she?
I view this front-page Boston Globe story as more crap candy for the AmeriKan public. They pulled the same "getting out" shit in 2006!
First, Bush ain't gonna let him (I'd expect an assassination).
Second, the U.S. ain't going anywhere.
And third, Malaki already said short-term agreements will be reached, blah, blah, blah.
Which is what the Boston Globe is every day: bullshit blather.
"Iraqis want US pullout timeline; Envisioned as part of security accord; Plan would hinge on forces' readiness" by Qassim Abdul-Zahra and Sebastian Abbot, Associated Press | July 8, 2008
BAGHDAD - Iraq's prime minister said yesterday his country wants some type of timetable for a withdrawal of American troops included in the deal the two countries are negotiating.
It was the first time that Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has explicitly and publicly called for a withdrawal timetable - an idea opposed by President Bush.
He offered no details. But his national security adviser, Mouwaffak al-Rubaie, told the Associated Press that the government is proposing a timetable conditioned on the ability of Iraqi forces to provide security.
Maliki said in a meeting with Arab diplomats in Abu Dhabi that his country also has proposed a short-term interim memorandum of agreement rather than the more formal status of forces agreement the two sides have been negotiating.
Some type of agreement is needed to keep US troops in Iraq after a UN mandate expires at year's end. US officials have said little publicly about the negotiations with Iraq.
Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: "From a military perspective I need the laws and the regulations and the agreements from the government of Iraq in order to continue operations beyond the 31st of December of this year."
--MORE--"Then HOW COME the U.N didn't stop us from INVADING, asshole?
See what I mean about the bullshit blather?!
Problem is, it never gets any better.
You wouldn't know it, but I'm sobbing as I contemplate how AmeriKa's MSM has failed us.
But not only failed us, failed us TREMENDOUSLY!!!
I guess that's why you are reading this and I am posting it, readers.
Thanks for coming!!