Thursday, July 17, 2008

The New York Times Goes Into the Toilet

Where they can join their younger step-daughter, the Boston Globe!!!

Unfrikkin' real!

"Seattle’s Automated Toilets Go Way of the Box and Chain" by CHRISTOPHER MAAG

SEATTLE — After spending $5 million on its five automated public toilets, Seattle is calling it quits.

In the end, the restrooms, installed in early 2004, had become so filthy, so overrun with drug abusers and prostitutes, that although use was free of charge, even some of the city’s most destitute people refused to step inside them.

I heard we are going to be getting rid of toilets altogether: The Boston Globe Has Shit For Brains

The dismal outcome coincides with plans by New York, Los Angeles and Boston, among other cities, to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for expansion this fall in their installation of automated toilets — stand-alone structures with metal doors that open at the press of a button and stay closed for up to 20 minutes. The units clean themselves after each use, disinfecting the seats and power-washing the floors.

What, they can't find any illegals to do the cleaning?

I mean, that's not a job Americans would want to take, right?

Yeah, sure, tell me about it!!

I'll let you suck on my Polish swizzle stick -- otherwise known as a plunger!

I'm Polish, by the way, so it ain't racist!

Seattle officials say the project here failed because the toilets, which are to close on Aug. 1, were placed in neighborhoods that already had many drug users and transients. Then there was the matter of cost: $1 million apiece over five years, which because of a local ordinance had to be borne entirely by taxpayers instead of advertisers. Seattle had to pick up the entire $5 million cost.

WOW!! Seattle residents got SHIT ON -- literally!!!!!!!

Veronyka Cordner, a homeless woman, nodding toward the toilet behind Pike Place Market:

I’m not going to lie: I used to smoke crack in there, but I won’t even go inside that thing now. It’s disgusting.”

God, how bad must that shitter be?! I'm not cleaning it, no way!!!!

In May, the City Council decided to close the toilets. It agreed to pay an additional $540,000 fee to end, five years early, its maintenance contract with the operator.

Talk about getting a shit screwing!!!!
