Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Massachusetts' Universal Health Care Falls Apart

For someone who was once a firm believer in National Health Care, I now say SCRAP IT!

After my experiences in my home state, forget it!

"Business balking at health changes; Many firms and insurers oppose $100m price tag; Public backs Patrick idea to close gap in funding" by Kay Lazar, Globe Staff | July 15, 2008

Governor Deval Patrick's proposal to ask businesses, insurers, and hospitals to kick in about $100 million to close a gap in funding for the state's landmark health insurance law is threatening to fracture the fragile coalition whose support was instrumental in passing the measure.

Oh, so when THEY have to kick in something, the answer is NO, huh?

Why am I not the least bit surprised?

Business and insurance industry leaders are opposed to Patrick's plan, saying it is unfair to ask them to pay more, especially during an economic downturn.

But it is O.K. to FLEECE and FUCK the average taxpayer, huh?

But consumer groups praised the proposal, saying patients were asked to pay more when copayments and deductibles for subsidized health plans were increased earlier this year. Now, they say, it is time for others to step up and pay their share.

You are kidding, right? I mean, we are talking corporations here, right?

Meanwhile, a new poll indicated there is broad public support for asking businesses and insurers to pay more to keep afloat the state's health insurance law, which seeks to cover almost all residents.

Of course there is! People WANT health care!

But a lobbyist with the state's largest business group said Patrick's proposal is likely to undermine key support for the two-year-old law, which passed only after more than a year of sensitive negotiations and compromises involving hospitals, insurers, employers, and consumer groups.

Translation: The guv is going to have to stick us with the bill -- AGAIN!

Rick Lord, president and chief executive of Associated Industries of Massachusetts, an association of business groups with 7,000 members:

"This jeopardizes the support of the business community."

And why "universal" health coverage will FAIL AGAIN!

Because EVERYTHING FAILS when "bidness" withdraws support!

Asking businesses and insurers to pay more toward healthcare is popular.

Which is why we are denied it here in AmeriKa!

A poll being released today by the Harvard School of Public Health and the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation found that nearly three-quarters of those surveyed supported requiring businesses with more than 10 employees to pay more toward the system. And 61 percent said they favored requiring insurers to contribute more to a fund that would subsidize coverage."


Want to see what universal care looks like?

Please read Getting Inside Our Kids' Heads beforehand.

Thank you.

The bill would cost the state about $5.4 million annually.

And WHO is going to pay for this? Certainly not businesses or insurers!!!

That only leaves YOU, taxpayer!!!!

All so Big Pharma can get rich poisoning your kids heads!

Lessons about the system: insurers seemed oblivious; potential medications were unavailable; there were too few psychiatrists and too many unqualified therapists; educators were uninformed; and a stigma remains around mental illness.


Yeah, so we need MORE BUREAUCRACY on top of what has already failed!