Thursday, July 24, 2008

Massachusett's Constipated Energy Policy

Question: WHO is going to PAY for the "task force" and their lunches, etc?

I rest my case!

"Governor launches energy task force; Seeks ways to help residents cope" by Stephanie Ebbert, Globe Staff | July 24, 2008

How about not wasting money on this for starters?

Governor Patrick and the leaders of the House and Senate are forming a task force to develop a plan to help citizens manage sky-high energy costs this winter - in part by getting them to embrace inexpensive energy-saving measures the state is already promoting.

The nine-member panel will spend two months considering ways to get people to carpool or take the T or to weatherize their homes. The panel also intends to coordinate with community organizations to create safety nets for people who cannot afford to heat their homes.

Money, money, what its for, what its not, etc, etc.

"People are feeling anxious about skyrocketing energy prices, and I share their concern," Patrick said in a statement. "The pinch will become tighter when the temperature drops and furnaces turn on. To avoid a crisis this winter, we need to do everything we can do now to help our citizens protect themselves against rising costs."

Please remember that comment for later.

By the way, with the global warming, you sure its gonna be as murderously cold as this last winter?


Massachusetts is still hoping for an increase from the federal government, which runs the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program but has reduced its spending in recent years.

Oh, counting on the FEDS, huh?

Well, you can FORGET about that $$$, because WE KNOW WHERE THAT $$$ is GOING!!!!

The federal aid would now help a homeowner with $503 of the cost of heat this winter, compared with $1,165 in federal and state aid last winter, Coard said. The six New England governors recently asked the federal government to provide the region with $1 billion - up from $267 million - for heating assistance. And a delegation of New England lawmakers recently asked Congress for $9 billion in aid and to expand eligibility.

House speaker Salvatore F. DiMasi, Senate President Therese Murray, and the Republican leaders of each chamber will each appoint one legislator to the task force.

The governor recently proposed $20 million for heat assistance in a supplemental budget, rather than the base annual spending plan. The Legislature has not yet taken action on that measure.


Yup, can't take up energy legislation to keep us from freezing to death, but our morally repugnant legislators (and the divisive and distracting MSM paper here) HAVE TIME to ADVANCE the AGENDA!!!!

"Bill to give benefits to same-sex couples

A bill that gives married same-sex couples the same access to Medicaid benefits as married heterosexual couples is one step closer to becoming law after gaining approval in the state Senate yesterday
. MassEquality - a coalition that lobbies for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights - called the action a "strong step forward." The House passed the legislation last week, and it now goes to Governor Deval Patrick. "It says that in Massachusetts, all married couples, gay or straight, are viewed equally under the law and deserve equal treatment in the Medicaid program," said Marc Solomon, executive director of MassEquality. The new law would give greater protection than current federal regulations.

"House advances gender-neutral measure

The House has given initial approval to a bill that would require that all future legislation be written in language that is gender-neutral
. The bill says legislation should contain phrases such as "he/she" and "his/her." A law professor said that is part of a trend in the business and legal professions. The law is being cosponsored by Representatives Cory Atkins, Christine Canavan, Kay Kahn, and John Rodgers. It was sent to the Committee on Bills in the Third Reading yesterday, meaning it could come back for a vote before the full chamber at any time (AP)."

THIS is what they are working on over in Boston, Mass. residents.


Yup, let's CATER TO a SMALL MINORITY while the rest of us SUCK SHIT!!!

And the Boston Globe KEEPS the AGENDA MOVING!!!!

"Twist fuels Calif. gay marriage fight"

Both of 'em!

"Interest in commuting by bike on the increase "

I did that for ten years in my 30s and I'm not going back; this body already falling apart.