Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Lies of Jacoby

I explained why I posted his earlier pieces, and why I don't normally post him.

Today you get a full dose of what a lying Zionist propagandist the guy is

"Israel still paying for its defeat" by Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist | July 2, 2008

IT WAS two years ago this month that Israel and Hezbollah went to war.

On July 12, 2006, Hezbollah, an Iranian-sponsored and Syrian-backed political and terrorist organization, staged an unprovoked raid across the Lebanon-Israel border, killing three Israelis and kidnapping two others, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser.

That's a LIE!!!


So Jacoby has already discredited his own column; however, he doesn't stop there:

The Israel that in 1976 flew a team of commandos 2,000 miles to rescue Jewish hostages being held in Uganda's Entebbe airport inspired respect and fear in its enemies.

Yeah, except that was a STAGED EVENT!!!

"FLASHBACK: Israel hijack role 'was queried'"

"It has been seen as a daring raid by crack Israeli troops to rescue dozens of their countrymen held at the mercy of hijackers. But newly released documents contain a claim that the 1976 rescue of hostages, kidnapped on an Air France flight and held in Entebbe in Uganda, was not all it seemed.

A UK government file on the crisis, released from the National Archives, contains a claim that Israel itself was behind the hijacking."

Strike two, Jeff!


Under Resolution 1701, a new UN peacekeeping force, known as UNIFIL, was to patrol southern Lebanon.... But UNIFIL has prevented nothing and 1701 is more or less a dead letter.

Nothing about the DAILY VIOLATIONS by ISRAEL, huh, Jeff?

Which means that Hezbollah is no longer a state-sponsored terrorist organization. Now it is something far more dangerous: a terrorist organization with a state of its own.


Well, you SEE THAT for WHAT IT IS, don't you?


So the NEXT CIA/Mossad FALSE-FLAG BLACK-BAG JOB to be pinned on Hezbollah, huh?