And LOOK WHO is AT McCain's HIP!!

Senator John McCain of Arizona, with Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, in Cartegena, Colombia, yesterday. (FERNANDO VERGARA/ASSOCIATED PRESS)
"Peripatetic McCain takes campaign abroad; Credits travels with shaping his worldview" by Sasha Issenberg, Globe Staff | July 3, 2008
What, did you LEARN a NEW WORD and looking to use it?
I had to look it up, and it means WALK from PLACE to PLACE!
Here's how the "straight-shooting" environmentalist is getting about with his entourage (as he is criticized by elites for going)!
"The new
CARTAGENA, Colombia - The new
McCain, who departed Cartagena yesterday for Mexico City, is on his third trip abroad since becoming his party's presumptive nominee in March. It is a presidential-style globetrotting streak, and McCain seems to leave home for the same reason many heads of state do: to remind voters they belong on the world stage, and to turn the conversation away from less cheerful subjects.
To hell with that environment, 'eh, Johnny?
Oh, oh, that's only for us shit-chewers out here, I see!
And as is the Globe's pattern, they drop to their knees for McCain.
McCain has long been the peripatetic sort. He has visited all seven continents. When he was the Navy's liaison to the US Senate, one of his primary responsibilities was chaperoning legislators on official trips. Since 2000, when McCain first ran for president, he has joined 36 congressional delegations abroad, visiting 40 countries.
McCain often credits those expeditions for shaping his policy views.
"I've traveled around the globe - usually at your expense," he tells voters who ask about his interest in global warming, as a way of explaining that he has witnessed the effects of climate change in places like Antarctica and Norway.
Yeah, ha-ha-ha, thanks for CONTRIBUTING to the PROBLEM on OUR DIME!!!
And you guys are worried about a little fart mist from me?
A trip to Iraq last summer, McCain has said, helped to harden his political commitment to the Bush administration's war policy.
Well that's nice. The stand guarantees McCain loses this fall!
Known for prickly relationships with some of his peers, McCain explains some of his deepest Senate friendships by citing their travels together.
The MSM certainly minimizes the prickly part, don't they?
McCain's personal affinity for Hillary Clinton over Obama grew out of time abroad, including one voyage to Estonia, where the two drank from the same bottle of vodka (an experience that McCain insists was later misrepresented as a "drinking contest").
Awww, isn't that SPECIAL!!!
How is it going down, conservatives?
Need a shot of vodka yourselves, don't you?
And about that raid:
"Colombia rescues rebel-held hostages; Government spies infiltrate hideout, ranks; FARC forces seen damaged" by Frank Bajak, Associated Press | July 3, 2008
BOGOTA, Colombia - Colombian spies tricked leftist rebels into handing over kidnapped presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt and three US military contractors yesterday in a daring helicopter rescue so successful that not a shot was fired.
Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos said military intelligence agents infiltrated the guerrilla ranks.
I don't know, readers, but something is a stinkin'?
You smell it?
And why rewrite and cut?
The three contractors were captured in 2003 when their drug surveillance plane went down in a rebel-held jungle. They had been the longest-held American hostages in the world.
You know, I often wonder why "Al-CIA-Duh" isn't taking hostages?
Or are they and the MSM just isn't telling us -- like they wiped this information out?
Meanwhile, it is more of the pro-McCain later in the paper:
CARTAGENA, Colombia - Senator John McCain hailed the economic benefits of free trade to Colombians yesterday, raising the possibility of an eventual hemispheric-wide agreement even though a weak economy at home has soured many US voters on trade agreements.
This is one reason among many why the guy should be pummeled this fall.
The GOP presidential nominee-in-waiting also toured Colombia's largest port to review the country's US-backed drug interdiction programs a day after he praised President Alvaro Uribe for Colombia's anti-drug efforts but pressed him to improve the government's record on human rights.
McCain was in the country when Colombia freed Ingrid Betancourt and three US military contractors from leftist guerrillas. Uribe had told McCain and the two senators traveling with him, Joseph Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut, and Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, about the rescue plans when they arrived Tuesday night.
The senators were holding a media availability at the time of the rescue and didn't learn of its success until they were aboard a plane bound for Mexico.
The Arizona senator got in several plugs for a proposed US-Colombian Free Trade Agreement his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama, opposes, suggesting the tariffs imposed on American goods now exported to Colombia would disappear under the agreement - creating jobs in the United States instead.
McCain was also promoting the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he has said would benefit the US economy over time.
Benefit us over time? It has been 13 YEARS!!!!
Such agreements have been deeply unpopular in several general election swing states like Ohio and Michigan. And he said such trade agreements should be broadened to include other countries.
"I would like to see a hemispheric free trade agreement," McCain said at a news conference here. "I would like to see our continued assistance to countries like Colombia." Protectionist sentiment at home is worrisome "because history shows that isolationism and protectionism has very unpleasant consequences," McCain said.
We KNOW what THAT STUFF IS, globalist puke!
But he added: "I am committed to getting every single American displaced from his or her job because of foreign competition . . . a new job and a better future." The Republican presidential hopeful wrapped up a visit to Colombia and was headed to Mexico on a two-day Latin American swing he insisted was not intended to be political.
It is just LIE after LIE with that "straight-talking" chameleon, isn't it?
One wonders if McCain hurt himself twisting himself into so many different positions.