Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, AmeriKa!

Reposted to lead again today.

Have a great day, 'murka!!!

I hope it rains on your cookout (see below post)!!!

The bloggers capture my feelings perfectly!

"The Faux of July"

Well it’s that time of year again. The time of year when all good patriotic flag waiving Amerikans everywhere will celebrate the 4th of July and their “independence” from government tyranny and oppression . . . or at least that’s supposed to be what the 4th of July represents. Yes folks, the Faux of July is upon us, and it’s calling out to idiot Amerika. It won’t be long now before the sheep fire up the grills, throw on some burgers, drink a few beers, hoist their flags and pretend they are free; I guess ignorance really is bliss.

Be thankful you still have the “freedom” to use your grills and drink your beer because your “freedom” is only as good as your masters say it is and can be revoked at any time. Don’t plan on celebrating this “freedom” with the very things that our Founding Fathers used to celebrate their independence and freedom with, for you cannot be trusted with such devices. Go ahead and stock up on those faux fireworks that are government regulated and approved; nothing defines freedom like sparklers and smoke bombs!

There will also be those sheep who cannot handle the “freedom” that their government has bestowed upon them and will instead attend a government-regulated and approved fireworks display in their hometown. Their pride will be evident by the sheepish gaze in their eyes as they look to the skies and marvel at the rockets’ red glare and the bombs bursting in air, all the while believing that they are free. Although you are not really free, nor are you able to decide what you can do with your own property, don’t let this rain on your parade. Stand up, wave your flag and try to convince yourself that the festivities you are participating in are not a joke.

It will never dawn on most of the sheep that while they celebrate this Faux of July with their faux fireworks that they are participating in a huge farce. Most of them will run around with a beer in one hand and a sparkler in the other while wishing their family and neighbors happy Independence Day, never realizing they are not really free and they never have been. The master’s names and faces may have changed, but we are all still slaves of the tyrannical state.

This is one holiday that really should just be cancelled altogether. It’s really pathetic for a nation of slaves to celebrate freedom and independence when neither one really exists. It reminds me of the chuckle I got this year when I noticed the tax books the IRS sent out had a picture of the Statue of Liberty on the front of them . . . what a slap in the face that was. I am sure though that not many sheep even took notice of this little gem.

Since there obviously is not going to be a revolution in this country anytime soon, I now am hoping that we will be liberated by someone soon, but by whom I am not sure. I for one am still waiting for the freedom fighters to liberate us from our own involuntary servitude and free us from our enslavement. Where are the freedom fighters? I keep hearing about how we are freeing other people in other countries and spreading Dumbocracy in the rest of the world, but I keep waiting for the day when someone liberates us and sets us free. I don’t see it happening anytime soon based on the intellect of the average sheeple on the street, but I keep waiting.

One thing is for sure; it will not come from the likes of Barack Obama or John McCain; the only thing we can expect from either one of these Nazis is more of the same. My thoughts have recently strayed from new country shopping to new planet shopping since there does not seem to be any place on Earth where freedom exists.

So idiot Amerika, as the Faux of July approaches, get ready to raise your beer high in the air, light that sparkler and wave your flag while you toast another “Dependence Day,” maybe one day you will really have a reason to celebrate . . . maybe one day you really will be independent and free.

Happy Faux of July everyone!

Mike Wasdin is an Anarcho-Capitalist from Phoenix, Arizona. He also moderates an anti-government website on Yahoo.

Mike Wasdin Archive "

"Happy Independence Day, Suckers!"

"Get out the barbeques and throw on some burgers and chops! Get some cold beers out of the refrigerator as yet another 'Independence Day' rolls around!

July 4th is the special day that the nation remembers how it threw off the shackles of colonial oppression and embraced freedom. A worthy concept to celebrate if ever there was one, as I'm sure we'd all agree.

There's just one slight snag, though. The freedom achieved was ephemeral. It is as far away today as it was back in 1775. One oppressor has simply been replaced by another. Funny how that often happens, isn't it? Amazingly, on the day America celebrated its very first Independence Day back in 1776, the usurpers who would go on to ruthlessly steal our freedoms away again from under our noses had already formed an organization to do precisely that just a whisker over two months before! I refer of course, to the Illuminati. This pernicious grouping wormed its way into Freemasonry and corrupted a senior branch of it as a trojan horse to steal back America from true Americans. And they have no intention of simply stopping at that. Far from it.

I'm sorry to piss on your parades today, my fellows, as you staunchly and respectfully salute the flag and sing patriotic songs, but your freedoms today for which your forefathers fought so bravely against all odds to win for you, are but an illusion. They have been spirited away piecemeal by alien interests in order to serve their three driving passions: massive personal enrichment, ultimate power, and a visceral hatred of healthy, flourishing, civil societies. The only people today who have any genuine reason to celebrate this anniversary are the very same elements that formed the Illuminati on May 1st, 1776. They alone can meaningfully rejoice over their stunning success in robbing decent (though all-too-gullible) people from their golden destiny without them even being aware of it.

So I say to you regular Americans of today, enjoy your mindless feasting, binging and cheering whilst you can; whilst there is still relatively plenty to go around, for believe me, a year from now you will be very, very much less sanguine in your outlook towards this once great country. Hopefully by then, however, you may have finally woken up to the REAL history of post-Revolutionary America and re-evaluated your priorities. Until then, enjoy your phony festival while you may. The Jews and their crooked sell-out cronies in Washington will be partying too. And no doubt your delusional beliefs about how fortunate and free you are - God Bless America! - will provide an additional comic flavor to their own, rather more exclusive and very much more justified, private celebrations.

"Never underestimate the stupidity of the American people." - Anon.