Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Great Die Off

Somebody say EndGame ?

"Massive Economic Disaster Seems Possible -- Will Survivalists Get the Last Laugh?

by Scott Thill, AlterNet. Posted July 26, 2008.

They used to be paranoid preparation nuts who built bomb shelters for a place to duck and cover during nuclear dustups with communist heathens, but their tangled roots go back to the Great Depression for a reason. If you want to get sociological about it, survivalism started out as a response to economic catastrophe. And now, with a cratering stock market, a housing meltdown that has devalued everything in sight, and skyrocketing prices for food, gas and pretty much everything else, survivalists are preparing for -- and are prepared for -- the rerun....

"We've entered the early innings of what could easily become a very disruptive period of our history," the Clusterfuck Nation author, social critic and overall hilarious dude James Kunstler explains....

SurvivalBlog owner James Rawles wrote to me via e-mail (but only after asking how many unique monthly visitors AlterNet commanded):

"All parties concerned may not realize it, but the left-of-center greens calling for local economies and encouraging farmers markets have a tremendous amount in common with John Birchers decrying globalist bankers and gun owners complaining about their constitutional rights. At the core, for all of them, is the recognition that big, entrenched, centralized power structures are not the answer. They are, in fact, the problem.

The next Great Depression will be a tremendous leveler. If anything, life in the 22nd century will more closely resemble the 19th century than the 20th century. Sadly, the 21st century will probably be remembered as the time of the Great Die-Off."
