Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Establishment Warns Ron Paul

Just a coincidence, right?

Gimme a break, will ya?

"Emergency landing for congressmen

NEW ORLEANS - A Continental Airlines flight carrying Ron Paul and six other members of Congress to Washington, D.C., made an emergency landing in New Orleans yesterday after a loss of cabin pressure. The seven congressmen, all from Texas, were trying to get back in time for a vote last night on an aviation safety bill. No one was injured (AP)."

Now why would they be warning the
good doctor and sending him a message?

Here's why

"Republican counter-rally to be held in Minneapolis

Ron Paul, the iconoclastic former Republican presidential hopeful, announced yesterday that there has been enough interest in a counter-rally to move it from the smaller Williams Arena to the 18,000-seat Target Center in Minneapolis on Sept. 2, as the GOP holds its convention across the river in St. Paul.

Paul plans "grass roots and leadership training events" Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, leading up to the "Rally for the Republic", featuring speakers that include tax crusader Grover Norquist, former governor Gary Johnson of New Mexico, and Barry Goldwater Jr., a former congressman and son of the conservative icon.

"The Rally for the Republic will send a powerful, positive message to the Republican Party that there is an army of grass-roots activists across the country ready to work with them [to] steer back to their traditions of limited government and personal liberty," spokesman Jesse Benton said in a statement.

Paul, a Texas congressman who opposes the Iraq war and is a Libertarian on economic issues, drew an avid following during the Republican primaries, winning 1.2 million votes and raising nearly $35 million (Boston Globe)."

Gee, two articles mentioning Ron Paul in one day; you feeling all right, Boston Globe?

Also see: Your Ron Paul Primer