Friday, July 4, 2008

Britain Releases Terrorist

Why wouldn't they? He works for them.

Terror Expert: London Bomber Was Working For MI5

Do you know about Mr. Aswat or
Mr. Khan, readers?

Are we clear now?

"Britain releases 2d terrorism suspect on bail; Will be under house arrest" by Gregory Katz, Associated Press | July 4, 2008

LONDON - The 45-year-old Algerian - identified only as "U" - may not leave his home or have visitors, except for a lawyer, doctor, or social worker. He is denied access to the Internet and cannot use a cellphone or a computer. Police have the right to search his home any time they want.

You sure his "name" isn't V?

Oh, yeah, they wouldn't want to use that letter, would they?

His new address is supposed to be kept secret, but the BBC reported that some journalists had been given printed reports containing the details.

The suspect was taken into custody seven months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States and is alleged to have played an important role in planning earlier Al Qaeda attacks that were thwarted or called off.

He is accused of being most active during the period when Al Qaeda was developing sleeper cells in many parts of the world during the run-up to Sept 11.


Yeah, whatever, propaganda pushers!