Monday, July 7, 2008

The AmeriKan MSM's Mexican Mirror

Just substitute the term "Zionist Israel" for "drug dealers" and the mirror clears right up!

"In Mexico, a byline can bring death; Reporters targeted by drug dealers" by Ken Ellingwood, Los Angeles Times | July 7, 2008

VILLAHERMOSA, Mexico - News organizations, especially those along the US border and in other drug hot spots, must tiptoe through a minefield of potential hazards. Increasingly, Mexican journalists say, they withhold details about crimes unless provided in official statements by police or prosecutors.

Other times, in a macabre twist on public relations, Mexican journalists have been pressured to publicize decapitations or other violent acts.

Like the U.S.' Zionist-controlled MSM flashes around "terrorists" and bin Laden.

Drug gangs view such publicity as a way to scare rivals and enhance their own standing in the underworld.

Self-censorship by news organizations means residents must rely on the grapevine to find out what is going on in their communities.

Media defenders say the best protection might be better journalism.

I've given up on AmeriKa's MSM because they have lied for too long!

Some Mexican journalists, who generally are paid poorly, have been bought off or coerced into supporting a particular crime group through what they choose to publish or leave out.


Incredible, huh?

After all the WEB CUTS and MSM CENSORSHIP I have documented lo these many months, they have the nerve to say that about Mexico's Media?!


Of course, AmeriKa's Zionist-controlled MSM doesn't have to be bought off -- they are WILLING and COMPLICIT SERVANTS!!!!

Sort of explains this and its related links, doesn't it?