Monday, July 14, 2008

The AmeriKan MSM's Environmental Neglect

I guess that's because it ain't "news," huh?

But this
divisive, agenda-driving shit is, huh?

Or this
literal pffft of a "news" item?

No, the Boston Globe would rather waste print and paper with a
nothing story on the front-page.

Case closed, readers!

The BG has truly turned into a shit rag (corresponds with the New York Times takeover. Coincidence?).

"Mudslide damages 50 homes, roads

ANCHORAGE - A volcano erupted with little warning on a remote island in Alaska over the weekend, sending residents of a nearby ranch fleeing from falling ash and volcanic rock.

The Okmok Caldera began erupting Saturday morning, just hours after seismologists at the Alaska Volcano Center began detecting a series of small tremors.

The explosion flung an ash cloud at least 50,000 feet high, said geophysicist Steve McNutt.


Let me give you a flavor of my volcano, BG: