Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Alike on Afghanistan

So much for change we can believe in and an end to the occupations.

"Candidates want Afghan buildup; Obama, McCain remain at odds on Iraq front

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama and John McCain both called yesterday for significant surges in US troop levels in Afghanistan.

Obama wants to shift at least 10,000 soldiers to Afghanistan. McCain said for the first time that he would support sending about 15,000 more troops to Afghanistan.

I smell a draft next year, don't you?

McCain, stressing what he sees as his advantage as Vietnam War hero and veteran senator involved in defense debates:

"I know how to win wars, and if I'm elected president, I will turn around the war in Afghanistan."

McCain said he can turn around the situation in Afghanistan with the troop surge and a better command structure, as well as the appointment of a war "czar" who focuses only on Afghanistan.

Don't we already have one, or is Lute out?

Whatever happened to that guy, anyway?

Afghanistan has also become a key battleground in the 2008 campaign.

Yeah, because the MSM is selectively focusing on it to drive the agenda.

Sick of it; aren't you, America?

Obama's speech, which was billed by his campaign as a major foreign policy address in which he also called for securing all nuclear weapons from terrorists and rogue states, moving toward energy security, and rebuilding America's alliances, was an effort to make inroads into McCain's national security turf.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll published yesterday found that 72 percent of Americans surveyed say McCain would make a good commander in chief, compared to 48 percent with a similar view of Obama. The poll also found that 44 percent believe the US effort in Afghanistan has been successful, down from 70 percent in 2002, indicating why both candidates were putting new emphasis on the issue. When asked which candidate's Iraq policy they preferred, 47 percent sided with McCain and 45 percent preferred Obama's.


Not that I care all that much for Barack Obama (I don't; I'm voting Barr because 'bamer is no different than the rest), but I'm also tired of the PRO-McCain AmeriKan MSM!

To wit:

"Solid lead for Obama in latest national poll

A new national poll says Democrat Barack Obama leads Republican John McCain 50 percent to 41 percent, thanks to huge leads among women and young voters, and near unanimous support among blacks.

Then why did ZNN report it as a three-point advantage? Sigh.

But among independent voters, the candidates are tied at 44 percent, and McCain holds a 47 percent-44 percent lead among men and a 49 percent-42 percent edge among white voters, according to the Quinnipiac University poll released yesterday.

The MSM is incredible, aren't they?

I'll bet they could find a corn nugget in a symmetrically-wound steaming stink shit, too!!!

Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, in a statement:

"Sen. Barack Obama's national lead is solid - but it's not monolithic."

The candidates have similar favorability ratings, but the poll found voters appear more open to the nation's first black president than to the country's oldest to take the oath of office for the first time.

While 88 percent said they are "entirely comfortable" or "somewhat comfortable" having a black president and 86 percent said Obama's race won't affect their vote, 64 percent said they are "entirely comfortable" or "somewhat comfortable" with a president who is 72 and 20 percent say they are less likely to vote for McCain because of his age.

The survey was conducted July 8-13 and has a margin of error of 2.4 percentage points.

A new Washington Post/ABC News survey released yesterday gave Obama a similar 50 percent to 42 percent lead over McCain. And a New York Times/CBS News poll released last night gave Obama a 45 percent to 39 percent lead nationally (Boston Globe July 16 2008)."