Sunday, July 27, 2008


It is not that I am against helping AIDS victims or anything like that, readers; however, we can't get healthcare here.

When is Bush going to stop shoveling money out of this country?

And if you think this is going to suffering Africans, think again; this is going to BIG PHARMA to purchase their OVERPRICED DRUGS!!!

"President to sign $50b AIDS bill

President Bush said he will sign a $50 billion measure next week that extends his program to combat HIV/AIDS and other diseases in Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. "Fighting disease is one part of America's larger commitment to help struggling nations build more hopeful futures of freedom," Bush said in his weekly radio address. The measure, which will extend for five years a 2003 program that spent $19.3 billion to combat HIV as well as malaria and tuberculosis, is a major part of Bush's legacy in Africa that he wants to highlight in the remaining months of his administration. (Bloomberg News July 27, 2008)."

Please see:
Was AIDS Man-Made?

Yeah, never mind we are trying to "cure" something the GOVERNMENT CREATED!!!!

And doesn't Bush and his freedom talk make you want to puke?