Monday, February 4, 2008

Wolf Blitzer Doesn't Listen to Viewers; Jack Cafferty Admits to Being a Company Man

I think the transcript was doctored by C(IA)NN.

This exchange occurred just-before-5 p.m., readers.

"CAFFERTY: The question this hour is: Which candidate has the greater chance of uniting the Republican Party? Is it Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?

Matt writes from Wisconsin: "Clinton by far. I'm an independent with Republican leanings, but I would gladly vote for Obama over the rest of the field. Short of a surprise Ron Paul victory, there's not a chance I'd vote for Hillary. The past looks good compared to the present, but the bitter fighting between parties if there's another Clinton White House would be more of what we already have. It's time for a change."

Jo Ann writes in Iowa: "Definitely Hillary Clinton. The Republicans have a whole staff that has been working for years on the Clinton attack. They have lots of material. I don't want to see it. The Republican base is not excited about McCain, but they will get very excited about Hillary."

Tom writes: "The GOP is champing at the bit to get at Hillary. The swift boat types will make what they did to John Kerry look like a picnic. They will come after her with both barrels. They don't quite know what to make of Obama, which is only one reason he gets my vote."

Jordan in Kentucky writes: "The answer to this question is the obvious one. Hillary Clinton is as divisive as they come."

Is it divisive or divisive, Wolf?

BLITZER: I'm listening.

I WATCHED the program LIVE, and I SWEAR TO YOU, reader, on my honor, that Blitzer said "I'm
NOT listening!"

Then Cafferty repeated the question.

CAFFERTY: Divisive or divisive?

BLITZER: It's either.

CAFFERTY: OK -- "is as divisive as they come. I manage Barack Obama's campaign at Murray State University in Kentucky, and I hear of more and more Republicans crossing over to support him every day. It's not that Hillary isn't a tried and true Democrat politician. It's that Barack Obama is a movement, and you can't run against a movement. McCain wouldn't stand a chance."

Patricia writes: "Hillary would unite the Republicans, because they hate of all things Clinton and it makes them lose their minds."

Greg in Houston: "Without question, it's Clinton. Even if there were nobody else running, I'd show up to vote against her. And I'm an independent." (LAUGHTER)

CAFFERTY: And Jenny writes from New York: "Jerry Falwell said that Hillary Clinton would unite the Republicans more than the devil himself. That's the only thing I've ever agreed with him on."

BLITZER: Divisive or divisive? I think...


CAFFERTY: Yes. Somebody wrote me last week. I say divisive. And somebody wrote me last week and said, you don't know how to pronounce the word. It's divisive.

BLITZER: I think, if you go to the dictionary, there's -- both of them are acceptable.

CAFFERTY: I just figured...

BLITZER: Tomato or tomato.

CAFFERTY: I just figured I would ask you.


CAFFERTY: It's easier.

BLITZER: I say sometimes divisive, sometimes divisive.

CAFFERTY: Good. That's good enough for me.

BLITZER: You're not divisive or divisive.

CAFFERTY: No, no, not at all.


CAFFERTY: I'm a team player, company guy, suck-up.

I'm really, really sorry to hear that Jack.

BLITZER: Jack Cafferty, see you in a few moments.


BLITZER: Thanks very much.

And, to our viewers, you're in THE SITUATION ROOM."

I call it the SHITuation Room because THAT'S WHAT IT IS!!!!

And I only came across it today. I assure you, readers, I will not be watching much of it tomorrow.

I don't want to hear the lies that I know are coming.