Monday, February 18, 2008

Suicide Bomber Sequel

Also see: Suicide Bombs in Afghnaistan and Pakistan?

I truly get upset about the innocent Afghanis who have been killed based on the damn 9/11 lie.

As for the AmeriKan MSM and there sole focus on alleged suiciders when the Pashtuns have no history of such tactics (but western intel false-flag ops do) strikes me as another area where severe skepticism must be applied.

"Suicide Attack Kills 36 in Afghanistan"

"In the second serious attack in southern Afghanistan in two days, a suicide bomber set off an explosion on Monday as he drove his car near a convoy of Canadian troops on a crowded border town street, killing 36 civilians and wounding 38.

The governor of Kandahar Province, Asadullah Khaled, called the attack a cataclysm for the Afghan people. The blast wounded three or four Canadian soldiers, part of the NATO security force in Afghanistan, but the brunt of the explosion was borne by civilians, mainly street vendors and people selling fruit from pushcarts beside the road, he said. Several shops caught fire in the town, Spinbaldak, which is 60 miles southeast of Kandahar and is the main border crossing to Pakistan, he said.

Here we go again!

By the way, what is a cataclysm for the Afghan people is this:

Afghanistan is the New Auschwitz

A day before the attack, a suicide bomber blew himself up at a dogfighting festival in a district just north of the city of Kandahar, in the worst suicide bombing in Afghanistan since 2001. The death toll from that attack has risen to 100, Mr. Khaled said. Among the dead were 36 local police officers, part of an auxiliary force being trained to help keep the peace in their district.

“The enemy of Islam, the enemy of Afghans, are trying to sabotage the peace process,” Mr. Khaled said while visiting the family of a local police commander, Abdul Hakim Jan, who was killed Sunday. Referring to the insurgents, Mr. Khaled said, “We need to be united and eradicate them at the root.”

Gee, and WHO really views Muslims as scum enemies?

Christians? Not me. I have no beef with them.

I mean, there is only one strain of one religion that really has the old itchy butt for the Muslims.

Need I even say the name, readers?

At a news briefing later in the day in the city of Kandahar, Mr. Khaled lashed out at Canadian forces, saying they had patrolled in crowded places when there was a known suicide bomb threat in the area.

He said that the Afghan security forces had received information that a suicide bombing had been planned and had warned the Canadian military.

A spokesman for the Taliban, Qari Yousuf Ahmadi, claimed responsibility for the attack. Mr. Ahmadi said the bomber was named Abdul Rahman and was from Kandahar Province. He denied that the attack had wounded or killed any civilians."

See, I never believe the Zionist-controlled MSM when they print statements like this now.

They lost my trust, readers!

Yours, too, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this!

Also see:

U.S. Wages Chemical Warfare on Afghanistan

The Effects of Depleted Uranium

Memory Hole: Must Read For Women

The Children of Afghanistan

The U.S. Has Already Used Nukes in Iraq and Afghanistan

The Afghanistan You Never Hear About

Black-Out in Afghanistan

Afghanistan Bombings Up 20-Fold Since 2005

Dining By Candlelight in Afghanistan

The Holocausts You Never Hear About

Spinning Murder Positively in Afghanistan