Saturday, February 2, 2008

Stealing Super Tuesday

This is how McCain and Hitlery become the the likely nominees!

Also see:
How to Spin Election Fraud and a Hated Nominee

How Hillary Clinton Stole New Hampshire

"6 of 15 Super Tuesday states using electronic voting machines have "high" likelihood of election results affected by malfunction or tampering"

"Report: Voting Machines In Some States Could Malfunction On Super Tuesday

February 1, 2008 6:57 p.m. EST

Kris Alingod - AHN News Writer

Washington, D.C. (AHN) - With 24 states holding presidential contests simultaneously, next week's Super Tuesday will be the biggest in election history. Several of these Super Tuesday states, however, face the possibility of "having election results affected by electronic voting machine malfunction or tampering," according to the Common Cause and the Verified Voting Foundation.

"The predominant voting systems we use, which tally electronically, have been shown repeatedly to have significant security and reliability weaknesses," said Pamela Smith, president of the Verified Voting Foundation. "But where voters are able to check that their vote was recorded accurately on paper, that paper forms a tool we can use to reduce the threat. Post election audits using the paper ballots are the most important check and balance on the electronic tally."

The group said their study found that six of the 15 Super Tuesday states that will be using machines on February 5 had a "high" likelihood of experiencing malfunctions, while five faced "medium" risk.

The high-risk states are: Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, New Jersey, New York and Tennessee. Medium-risk Super Tuesday states consisted of Alabama, Arizona, Massachusetts, Utah and Oklahoma.

Oh no! We have OPTICAL SCAN MACHINES at our polls!


Significant is Colorado's absence from the list, even among low-risk states. which included California, Missouri and Illinois. Colorado's Secretary of State Mike Coffman decertified electronic voting machines in some of the state's most populous counties, only to admit a month later that he had "jumped the gun" and was thinking of how to re-certify the machines.

The group recommended that all 15 states that will be holding their contests electronically have paper ballots as back up. For the long-term, it urged Congress to approve the Emergency Election Assistance for Secure Elections Act, a bill that would provide funds so states could convert from electronic voting systems to paper-based systems by elections in November.

The findings were release as presidential hopefuls made their ramped up their campaigns ahead of Super Tuesday. Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) is running TV spots in 20 of the 24 states, while his wife Michelle campaigns separately in states including Delaware. Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), for her part, will have television ads in 12 states plus husband former president Bill Clinton stumping for her in Illinois, Obama's home state.

Statewide surveys have Clinton leading Obama in most Super Tuesday states, but steadily declining nationally in Gallup's daily tracking.

Among Republicans, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), with his Florida win still fresh, is about to make his biggest ad buy and his first national TV spot. McCain's ad on national cable presents him as "the true conservative" without forgetting his Vietnam war hero status.

"Guided by strong conservative principles, he'll cut wasteful spending and keep taxes low," the narrator says in McCain's TV spot. "A proud social conservative who will never waver."

McCain is apparently continuing with the strategy he began in Florida of emphasizing his differences with Democrats, rather than trying to woo independents and moderates. His main rival, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is likewise running ads in California, but this time targeting Clinton.

Romney trails McCain in the delegate count as well as crucial states won. And despite being a multi-millionaire, he may also begin to trail his rival in campaigns funds, since he has, by his own admission, "not much is left" of his personal wealth after investing $35 million of his own personal wealth to his campaign."

How much you wanna bet Ron Paul gets screwed in all this?

And if Mitt gets screwed Tuesday, all that money will have been wasted!

Maybe it will give Mitt the feeling we all have about Iraq.

Silver-linings, people!