Friday, February 15, 2008

The Ron Paul Movement: Republican's MoveOn?

How discouraging it is to read this from Rockwell.

What the Revolution Should Do Now; Change Our Focus to House and Senate Candidates and Build the Movement One Ron Paul at a Time"

The fact is, the American people sent the change message in the last election.

It didn't work because the American political system no longer represents America's interests.

So now, as MoveOn took over the antiwar movement for the Democrats, the Ron Paul "revolution" now attempts to take us down the same road.

How disappointed I am at all the false friends.

All that time and money wasted, for what?

To change a few congressional seats?

It is TOO LATE for that, America.

Peaceful and political revolution has been made impossible by the government and MSM.

Voting only allows the power elite to claim legitimacy.

There are two choices now: Either vote out ALL incumbents (including Ron Paul) and send that message (unlikely in rigged elections) or DON'T VOTE at all!!!!

If no one votes, how will the government claim legitimacy?

And if that fails, then violent revolution will be inevitable!!