Friday, February 15, 2008

MSM Covering Up Facts in Illinois Shooting

Nothing like a lying MSM to misreport things, huh, readers?

All they do is read government hand-outs, don't they?

Ever hear of
Operation Bluebird, readers?

Also see:
More Bluebirds in Illinois

"NIU gunman stopped taking medication"

"The man who gunned down five people at Northern Illinois University in a suicidal rampage became erratic after halting his medication and carried a shotgun to campus inside a guitar case, police said Friday.

The man, 27-year-old former student Stephen Kazmierczak, was also wielding three handguns during Thursday's ambush inside a lecture hall.

Two of the weapons — the pump-action Remington shotgun and a Glock 9mm handgun — were purchased legally less than a week ago, on Feb. 9, authorities said. They were purchased in Champaign, where Kazmierczak was enrolled at the University of Illinois.

A spokesman for the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said the other two guns were also legally purchased and traced to the Champaign gun shop, but the ATF was still determining when Kazmierczak picked them up.

Kazmierczak had a valid Firearm Owner's Identification Card, which is required for all Illinois residents who buy or possess firearms, authorities said....

Kazmierczak, whose first name was earlier listed as Steven, was taking some kind of medication, Grady said.

"He had stopped taking medication and become somewhat erratic in the last couple of weeks," Grady said, declining to name the drug or provide other details....

The motive of the killer, who graduated from NIU in 2006 but was a student there as recently as last year, was still not known. Grady said Kazmierczak was an "outstanding" student while at NIU and authorities were still trying to determine why he would kill. There was no known suicide note....

The killer had been a graduate student in sociology at Northern Illinois as recently as spring 2007, Peters said. He also said the man had no record of police contact or an arrest record while attending Northern Illinois."

"There is something weird about this story. It is being reported that this student did not have a history of mental problems. This does not jibe with the claim that he was on some kind of medication." -- Mike Rivero of What Really Happened

Call me paranoid, call me a "conspiracy theorist" -- an honor -- but THIS SHOOTING STINKS!

, readers?

Who wants to DISARM America?

Here's more, readers:

"University Police: Illinois Campus Shooter On “Medication”

Kurt Nimmo
Truth News
February 15, 2008

As suspected, the Illinois campus shooter, identified as Stephen Kazmierczak, was on medication, although ABC News reports at this time it is unknown what sort of medication.

In the last few weeks, Kazmierczak’s

behavior had become erratic, according to [NIU campus Police Chief Donald Grady], and it is believed the Kazmierczak had stopped taking his medication. The chief declined to specify the type of medication the gunman was on.

As was revealed soon after the shootings at Virginia Tech, Cho Seung-Hui was taking the anti-depressant Paroxetine, which he took from June 1999 to July 2000. Seung-Hui’s “doctor stopped the medication because Mr. Cho had improved,” the New Yorks Times reported on August 30, 2007.

“Recent regulatory warnings about adverse behavioral effects of antidepressants in susceptible individuals have raised the profile of these issues with clinicians, patients, and the public. We review available clinical trial data on paroxetine and sertraline and pharmacovigilance studies of paroxetine and fluoxetine, and outline a series of medico-legal cases involving antidepressants and violence,” notes PLoS Medicine, a peer-reviewed medical publication. “Both clinical trial and pharmacovigilance data point to possible links between these drugs and violent behaviors.”

Bob Unruh, writing for WorldNetDaily, cites Dr. Peter Breggin, a prominent critic of psychiatric drugs and founder of the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology, who states that even if Cho wasn’t taking psychiatric drugs the day of the shooting, “he might have been tipped over into violent madness weeks or months earlier by a drug like Prozac, Paxil, or Zoloft.” In his book, The Antidepressant Fact Book, Breggin “warned that stopping antidepressants can be as dangerous as starting them, since they can cause very disturbing and painful withdrawal reactions.”

ABC reports that “Kazmierczak’s interests are listed as corrections, political violence, and peace and social justice, according to [an] essay, and he had plans to co-author a manuscript on the role of religion in the formation of early prisons.” In 2006 Kazmierczak co-authored the essay entitled “Self-Injury in Correctional Settings: ‘Pathology’ of Prisons or of Prisoners,” in which an attached biography describes him as having just begun his graduate work at NIU.

According to Kazmierczak’s coworkers at the Pirates Cove Childrens Theme Park, he had a penchant for violence. “I remember Steve Kazmierczak,” an anonymous coworker wrote on a music site message board in 2006, “the kind of person who injured kids on the train ride cuz he was mental and he shouldn’t be given domain over kids on little faux-traincars with an aluminum baseball bat…”

In short, Kazmierczak appears to be a prime candidate for violent behavior, especially now that authorities in Illinois are revealing that he was on medication, although as of yet unspecified.

Is it simply a coincidence that Mr. Kazmierczak decided to launch his murderous campaign at precisely the time the Supremes are taking up critical issues related to the Second Amendment?"

Not to me it's not!

And why did the MSM cover up this information, readers?
