Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lost Intelligence

Fuck the fascistas and their fear-mongering.

That only worked once; now I know WHO IS BEHIND "terrorism" so I will NEVER BE FOOLED AGAIN!

"More Sharp Words Traded Over Lapsed Wiretap Law"

"A new round of political sparring erupted Friday over the government’s wiretapping powers, as the Bush administration asserted that the lapsing of a surveillance law a week ago has already led to the loss of important intelligence information and made private phone carriers less willing to cooperate....

House Democratic leaders last week allowed the temporary surveillance law to expire rather than submit to White House demands that the House pass a Senate version that would have expanded the government’s eavesdropping abilities and given immunity to the phone carriers that helped in the National Security Agency’s program of wiretapping without warrants. The leaders wanted a 21-day extension of the law to allow more time for negotiations, but the White House deemed that idea unacceptable....


Why was protecting the American people unacceptable?

Why are dead Americans less important than telecom immunity, shitter?

If anything ever happens again, it will be YOUR FAULT BUSH!!!!

Although the surveillance measure has expired, intelligence officials are still able to use wiretapping tools under pre-existing authorities.

But in a sharply worded letter released Friday, Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey and Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence, said the return to the older standards for wiretapping had hurt intelligence collection....

BULL-fucking-SHIT, liar!!!!!

McConnell on NPR:

Well, Renee it's a very complex issue. It's true that some of the authorities would carry over to the period they were established for one year. That would put us into the August, September time-frame. However, that's not the real issue. The issue is liability protection for the private sector."

The letter gave no details on actual intelligence losses."

Readers, truthfully, I am TIRED of the GOVERNMENT BULLSHIT!!!!!!!

Also see:

Bush's Wiretapping Began BEFORE 9/11!!

New York Times Admits Bush Administration Spying Began in December of 2000... BEFORE TAKING OFFICE!