Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Jewish Magazine Shows How To Cook A Gentile

I want to know where the outrage is!!!

Where is the hue-and-cry in the Zionist-controlled AmeriKan MSM over this piece of racist filth?

How come it is only a big deal when it is the "intolerant" Muslims who get upset?

And can you imagine the outcry had it been a Gentile cooking a Jew?

"Jewish Magazine Shows How To Cook A Gentile"

"Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This particular cartoon proves beyond a doubt that Jews are fearless and wantonly explicit in their hatred of our European-American heritage and our people and they are not scared in the least to say it openly because there will NEVER be consequences for them. Of course if this cartoon taught someone how to cook a Jew, careers would end, death threats would commence and fines or imprisonment would follow. Jews are the most hateful people on the face of the earth.

-the West

his months issue of Heeb magazine contains a cartoon in the back that will surely be of interest to our readers. howtocookgentiles.jpg
In it, the cartoon depicts a pair of Jews murdering and killing gentiles in the best humor of a neo-Nazi charades such as Tom Metzger's White "Aryan" "Resistance," and one of the most vile cartoons this author has ever seen.

The magazine was not bought at a Zionist meeting or AIPAC meeting, no, far more insidiously it's sold openly on the shelves of Barnes and Noble.

A pdf of the cartoon has been uploaded here, check it out, be outraged, these Jews have some serious explaining to do as to what makes this "funny."

More trash passing off as Jewish entertainment can be seen at Heeb Magazines website.

How to contact Barnes and Noble and get this garbage off of store shelves? Contact customer support and share a piece of your mind.


I've about had it with arrogant, elitist, shitstink NaZionist Jews, I'll tell ya.

And their fucking shitty newspapers, too.