Friday, February 15, 2008

Israel Provocations


"The more the Israelis bomb and commit murder by targeted assassinations of Palestinians in the Gaza then the more Palestinian fighters are likely to retaliate. It is exactly what the Israelis want. It will eventually give them the excuse they need to invade the Gaza and put it under full military occupation.

Now the Israelis have upped the ante by assassinating Hezbollah’s number two leader, Imad Mughniyeh, but they have not admitted to the killing because they want Hezbollah to make the first strike against the Israelis. That way they can claim that Hezbollah has provoked Israel thus giving the Israelis casus belli to go to war once again against Hezbollah. The world knows exactly who was responsible for Mughniyeh’s death but by denying it the Israelis think that in the event of Hezbollah retaliating they then have the right to strike back in their usual murderous way.

This is Israel’s standard modus operandi. They always like to make it seem as though they are the ones that have been attacked first and that they are merely retaliating. In reality it is they that have manoeuvred those that they wish to attack into seemingly have struck the first blow against Israel.

The trick for Israel now is to get both Hamas and Hezbollah to strike back at Israel in such a way that Israel can retaliate by launching full scale attacks on both the Gaza and south Lebanon in the hope of drawing in Syria and Iran to the fight by accusing them of supplying arms and weapons to Hezbollah and Hamas. This will then provide cause for the Israeli Air Force to attack Syria and Iran’s so-called nuclear facilities, an event that will draw the US into the war.

If it all sounds rather familiar it’s because it has all happened before. The difference is last time the Israelis tried this they used the capture of their soldiers as casus belli to attack Hezbollah whereas in reality the Israelis had planned the attack on south Lebanon months ahead of the so-called ‘kidnappings’. Olmert even tried to explain it away by saying that it was a contingency plan in case Israeli soldiers were ‘kidnapped’!

And now the Israelis are trying it on again. For how much longer are the peoples of the world going to let the right-wing Israeli Zionists get away this sort of warmongering nonsense?

posted by Damian Lataan at 1:30 PM