Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hitlery Clinton's Self-Immolation

"Today is the final straw. Clinton has destroyed her future in Democratic politics."

"Voting for the war. Voting against banning land mines. Against banning cluster bombing of civilians. Torture. Kyl-Lieberman.

Race-baiting in the south. Bashing the caucus system. Trying to disenfranchise college students in Iowa. Dismissing red-state Democrats. Talking about stealing the election using party insiders to control the nomination. Mocking and denigrating those who choose to hope, and to try bringing new ideas and new participants into the political system.

Smears, lies, attacks, and now the ultimate straw, trying to use xenophobia and racism to secure victory riding on the back of bigotry and hatred.

Hillary Clinton has done more than lose the Democratic nomination: she's destroyed her future in Democratic politics. There was a time when, if she'd fought well and gracefully accepted the decision of the voters, she could easily have looked forward to a position of Senate Majority Leader, a governorship, or almost anything else she chose.

Now, she's going to go down in history as having tried to destroy our future candidate for president with scorched earth politics: if I can't have it, no one can. It's the exact same thing that Bush and Karl Rove employed in 2000 against John McCain--no tactic is too underhanded, no smear too vile, no action so disgusting that their conscience would prevent them from doing it.

There was a time when I stood in front of Clinton over her war vote, Kyl-Lieberman, etcetera, telling my fellow DUers that yes, I disagree, but it's not as bad as all that.

But this is well beyond the simple facts of distasteful political compromise. This is vile behavior on a scale rarely seen even among Republicans, combined with a total self-centeredness that says it's really all about taking and holding power, not about the people. That's not the way Democrats are supposed to operate.

Considering her record, I no longer want Hillary Clinton representing me, either as a Democrat or as a citizen of the state of New York."

That's one of your own, Hil.

If you can't hold on to those voters, no way you even come near the nomination -- not without the FIX BEING IN!

Except WE ARE ALL WATCHING, and you WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT like in New Hampshire!!!!!!!!