Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hitlery Clinton's Desperately Dirty Campaign

You know I bought the Boston Globe when I cover the politics, readers; however, I'd never lie to you like they would.

"Clinton: Be wary of Obama on foreign affairs"

".... Obama's campaign shrugged off Clinton's criticism, saying that despite her professed experience she has been guilty of faulty judgment on world affairs, not least by voting in 2002 to authorize the war in Iraq.


The two campaigns yesterday also exchanged heated words over allegations that Clinton staffers had circulated a photo of Obama dressed in Somali garb while on a 2006 trip to Africa. After The Drudge Report, an online news and gossip site, posted an item about the photo, Obama's campaign manager, David Plouffe, charged that the Clinton campaign "has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we've seen from either party in this election."

For more on the Drudge-Clinton relationship, see the above post.

And I'm tired of the Clintons and their SLEAZY, SLIMY CAMPAIGN TACTICS!!!

As for the MSM focus on it: Puke!

Issuing a statement in response, Clinton's campaign manager, Maggie Williams, did not deny the allegation outright but said: "If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing traditional Somali clothing is divisive, they should be ashamed. Hillary Clinton has worn the traditional clothing of countries she has visited and had those photos published widely."

Oh, you mean photos like this?

Clinton has staked her campaign on a belief that voters, after eight years of the Bush administration, want to return the White House to a responsible and tested Democrat. Citing her two terms in the Senate and eight years as first lady, Clinton often says she is prepared to be president on "day one."

She sounds just like GEORGE BUSH!!!

She used yesterday's address to paint Obama as unprepared, singling out his statements last year that he would be willing to meet unconditionally with America's enemies and would consider, given "actionable intelligence," a unilateral strike in Pakistan against terrorists.

I'll remember that for Iran in your case, Bilderberger Queen!

As for the meetings, I ALWAYS prefer TALK to WAR!!!!

How can talking to anyone hurt (Israeli NaZionists excepted)?

Clinton, flanked by senior retired military officers who have endorsed her candidacy, said she would meet with adversaries as president but would not be "penciling in the leaders of Iran, or North Korea, or Venezuela, or Cuba on the presidential calendar without preconditions."

Whatever, you WAR QUEEN!!!

"We simply cannot legitimize rogue regimes or weaken American prestige by impulsively agreeing to presidential-level talks that have no preconditions," she said. "It may sound good, but it doesn't meet the real-world test of foreign policy." As for Pakistan, Clinton said: "I will not broadcast threats of unilateral military action against a country like Pakistan just to demonstrate that I'm tough enough for the job."

Oh, I see!!

But you would STILL DO IT, huh?

Just wouldn't "BROADCAST" -- translation: tell the American people -- it, huh?

Why does Iran creep into my consciousness once again?

Clinton also said Obama "wavers from seeming to believe that mediation and meetings without preconditions can solve some of the world's most intractable problems to advocating rash, unilateral military action without cooperation from our allies in the most sensitive region of the world." But then she cast herself in a similar light, saying she would be a president who would "deploy both the olive branch and the arrows."

Obama's top foreign policy advisers sought to pre-empt Clinton's speech by arguing in a conference call with reporters, as they have before, that despite Clinton's claims of experience, she has displayed poor foreign policy judgment. "What is important on day one is to get it right, and to have the right judgment and the right approach to the critical foreign policy challenges of the day," said Susan Rice, former assistant secretary of state for African affairs in Bill Clinton's administration."


Obama has a CLINTON RETREAD working for him?


No wonder the MSM focus on polItics; all a crockshit of FOOLEYS!!!!!

"Clinton adviser says Texas-Ohio loss could end run"

Like it would make a difference?

"Hillary Clinton, fighting to revive her campaign after an 11-contest losing streak, will need to consider dropping out if she does not win the delegate-rich states of Texas and Ohio next week, a senior adviser to the New York senator said yesterday....

Clinton leads Obama in recent polls in Ohio, which votes March 4 with Texas, Vermont, and Rhode Island. A Quinnipiac University Poll released yesterday shows Clinton leading Obama by 51 percent to 40 percent. A University of Cincinnati Institute for Policy Research poll shows Clinton ahead by 8 points, 47 percent to 39 percent.

Polls in Texas show the two in a virtual dead heat, and Obama has been gaining in strength among several voter groups usually sympathetic to Clinton....

Ickes repeated Clinton's call to seat the delegates from Michigan and Florida, both of which violated Democratic National Committee rules by moving up their primaries to January. The DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee - of which Ickes is a member - voted to strip the states of their delegates."

Yeah, that is really a SHITTY SITUATION there!

Clintons agreed to the rules and now want to change them.

Seriously, readers, but when you look at them you realize there is NOTHING they won't do to win -- including murder, as the blogs are pointing out today.

Commentaries from Mike Rivero at What Really Happened.com:

"Six months into Bill Clinton's first term, the paperwork for the Presidential blind trust was still incomplete. Vincent Foster, the man tasked with completing the trust documents, was dragging his heels, because he knew the trust was a fraud and did not include all the Clinton's assets. Foster had scheduled a meeting with Bill Clinton for July 21st, 1993, at which he intended to resign. Indeed, the so-called suicide note was identified by Foster's wife, Lisa, as a rough draft of his letter of resignation, with a few lines added by an unknown third party.

Three days after Vince Foster's death, the blind trust documents were completed by an unknown party and submitted to the trustee. Inasmuch as the Vince Foster office was still under police seal at the time, the trust documents had to have been among those looted from Foster's office by Hillary's staff.

More about the murder of Vincent Foster is HERE"

"Stay out of small planes, Barack! Remember what happened to Hillary's rival for that Senate seat!"