Friday, February 8, 2008

Hayden Backtracks on "Legal" Waterboarding

Think the howling on the blogosphere made him retreat?

Of course, he's lying -- just a P.R. move!

"C.I.A. Chief Doubts Tactic to Interrogate Is Still Legal" by SCOTT SHANE

WASHINGTON — Gen. Michael V. Hayden, the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, told a Congressional committee on Thursday that waterboarding may be illegal under current law, despite assertions this week from the director of national intelligence and the White House that the harsh interrogation method may be used in the future....

Did "
Bush personally authorized Hayden's testimony" this time, too!

He made his remarks as Vice President Dick Cheney defended tough interrogation tactics on people suspected of having ties to Al Qaeda, and as Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey rebuffed Democrats’ demands for a criminal investigation of waterboarding.... Mr. Mukasey said the C.I.A.’s interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, were approved by the Justice Department.

: Mukasey Admits Waterboarding is Torture

As a result, he told the House Judiciary Committee, waterboarding by C.I.A. officers “cannot possibly be the subject of a Justice Department investigation, because that would mean that the same department that authorized the program would now consider prosecuting someone who followed that advice.”

Sounds like an INDEPENDENT COUNSEL is needed!!!!

Mr. Cheney told the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington that President Bush had made “tough and courageous” decisions in the campaign against terrorism.

“Would I support those same decisions again today? You’re damn right I would,” the vice president said. Mr. Cheney described the C.I.A. detention program for high-level Qaeda operatives as “a tougher program, for tougher customers” that produced “information that has saved thousands of lives.”

What a sickening piece of evil shit!


You mean, this "
Al-CIA-Duh," right, Dogshit?

Also see:
Who Invented "Al-CIA-Duh?