Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Drunk U.S. Military

"World Briefing | Asia: Japan: More Indignation at Marines"

"Japan voiced anger after the weekend arrests of two United States marines in Okinawa and said it would complain to Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice on her visit next week.

And they are one of our good friends in the world, too!

Nothing like pissing off your close friends!

Is this administration ever a failure or what?

One marine was accused of driving drunk; the other, the police said, was found drunk in the middle of the night on the sofa of a family who did not know him. “What’s the matter with the U.S. military?” Prime Minister Yasuo Fukada asked reporters. “I have to demand seriously that they pin it down.”

Well, you know a little stress, a little stretching, a tin-pot dictator calling the shots, stuff like that.

You wanna field that question, War Princess?