I can put up words but they don't do the guys sight justice.
Please click on each an every one, readers.
Thank you!!
First one a definite clicker, top!!!!
The BOLD is HIM, readers.
"Poor Abe Foxman…. I received more comments yesterday on my announcement that he was answering reader’s questions at HaAretz (my previous post) then the number of questions he was asked… Does this say something about the man?
Either he did a very good job of picking and chosing the questions he wished to deal with, censoring the ones that actually raised issues, or people just don’t really care to hear what he has to say.
Folks are fed up with his lies, his rants and especially his whining. The time has come for the ADL to elect a leader that will actually fight against discrimination… not support it. Time for a change! Time for a real ADL… not an APL (Anti People League).
Below you can see the questions and pathetic answers that he gave on the Site…
Do you think that there is ever a time or a place for ethnic jokes? I know this sounds like a facetious question, but I am serious!!! James
Denver, US
Denver, US

Abe Foxman: The simple answer is ‘no’ - only in the context of an educational experience to illustrate how jokes can impact and hurt individuals. We have learned how words can have a serious impact on individuals and communities. The gas chambers in Auschwitz did not begin with bricks, they began with words. Evil words, hateful words that were not challenged. 9/11 did not begin with box cutters or planes becoming flying bombs, they began with words, hateful words that were turned into hateful actions. In Jewish tradition, we believe that the power of life and death can reside in the tongue. Jokes are not innocent, jokes that poke fun and ridicule other peoples’ ethnicity, religion, color or way of life are intended to hurt and are not funny. It therefore is incumbent and important for us when we hear such jokes to stand up and say: “Please don’t. There words are not funny, they are hurtful, they are insensitive and they can legitimize hateful action.” 

How do you see the future of Jewish-Muslim relations in the USA? Do you see Middle Eastern problems spilling over into main street America? Sherlock Holmes
London, UK
London, UK

Abe Foxman: I am hopeful that we can improve Jewish-Muslims relations in the US, a prerequesite to build relations is for Arab or Muslim American organizations to be able to categorically reject terrorism as a solution for any problem. We the ADL have challenged Arab American organizations to endorse a statement which says “No just cause justifies terrorism”. Once there is agreement on that principle, we can begin to build relationships. The Anti-Defmation League has never made any litmus test for us to speak out against hatred directed against the Arab or Muslim community. Islamophobia is antethical to American values and society and we and the Jewish community will counter it and condemn it.

Tel Aviv, Israel
Abe Foxman: There are still issues that concern us about some of the Gulf States but we also have to encourage progress. Abu Dhabi is open to Israelis in many ways. Shahar Peer, Israel’s tennis star, is currently playing in a tournament in Qatar. Things are hardly the way we’d want them to be, but it’s important to make distinctions between Arab states, like the UAE, which are slowly opening, and those that are not. The big challenge is for these states to do more public things rather than behind the scenes.

Hello Mr. Foxman. Why do you believe many left leaning Jews still believe in the peace process as we currently know it which is simply to give back more and more land for more promises? What needs to happen for this futile train of thought to be abandoned? Israel was undoubtedly strongest after its 1967 and 1973 triumphs. The only thing that will bring peace to the region is a situation in which Israels enemies are in a state of total fear. What is your reaction to my sentiments? Joseph Miller
New York, USA

Abe Foxman: It’s not a question of left or right, rather Israel has to solve a host of issues at the same time - security, demography, terrorsim relations with the U.S., international positions, etc. Standing still is not an option. The challenge is how to find a process in which this time the Palestinians will be serious in countering terror, stopping the hate and reforming its instutitions.
Sometimes Israel has to take risks not only in the hope of reaching peace but also to keep the people united if peace doesn’t work out and violence continues.

Sometimes Israel has to take risks not only in the hope of reaching peace but also to keep the people united if peace doesn’t work out and violence continues.

Concord, America

Abe Foxman: It cannot be said enough that there is a moral distinction between deliberate efforts by Hamas terrorists to murder Israelis and Israel’s defensive efforts to deal with terror. It is sad that Palestinian civilians have died during Israeli attacks, some of which were clearly the result of Hamas terrorists and extremists taking cover amidst the civilian population.
No deaths would be occurring if the Qassam attacks on Israel would cease.
No deaths would be occurring if the Qassam attacks on Israel would cease.

New York, U.S.A.

Abe Foxman: When discussing Catholic-Jewish relations, one always must keep in mind the history and the asymmetry of the relationship. When anti-Jewish matters entered the church, it led to violence, programs, murder and mayhem. That is why we’ve insisted the Church look at its progress to change that horrible dynamic.
There is nothing wrong about Jews looking inwardly at their own prejudices but in this relationship, one should never put this approach or the same level as the need of the Church, with its anti-Semitic past, to move in a new direction (which it has since Vatican II).
There is nothing wrong about Jews looking inwardly at their own prejudices but in this relationship, one should never put this approach or the same level as the need of the Church, with its anti-Semitic past, to move in a new direction (which it has since Vatican II).

Thank you, Daniel Daniel Weiss
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Abe Foxman: There has been a lot of misinformation about Obama circulating through emails. He is not a Muslim. He did not study in a madrassa. His statements about Israel have been positive, liek other candidates. People should make their decision as to whom they support on the basis of a true understanding an individual’s views. Critics are entitled to support or oppose candidates based on their ideologies. They are not entitled to distort a candidate’s views or life experience.

Lima, Peru

Abe Foxman: A long time ago, the ADL concluded that the greatest threat to the Jewish people the post-Holocaust world was connected to the assaults - military, political, and economic - on the State of Israel. Criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism, but delegitimizing and demonizing Israel usually is. So this is consistent with the ADL’s mission to fight anti-Semitism.
We are neither hawkish not dovish regarding Israeli policies. We try to support Israel on a non-partisan basis, respecting the democratic wishes of the Israeli people. This is proper and also is pragmatic because it enables us to articulate back in America what Israel is about at any given time.
We are neither hawkish not dovish regarding Israeli policies. We try to support Israel on a non-partisan basis, respecting the democratic wishes of the Israeli people. This is proper and also is pragmatic because it enables us to articulate back in America what Israel is about at any given time.

Nazareth, Israel
Abe Foxman: Israel in its conception is a Jewish state and a democratic state. We believe that all citizens of Israel have equal rights and we participate in an interagency task force to work for equal rights for Israeli Arabs.
But Israel is a Jewish state just as states all over the world have their own identity. All the Arab states have their own flags which represent Arabs and often Islam. France has its identity etc.
As a Jewish state, Israel has symbols representing the Jewish people but that in no way stands in the way of minorities living in Israel having full and equal rights as citizens.
When Arab citizens of Israel fight against discrimination, we are with them. When they talk of the need to end the Jewish state of Israel, then we will oppose and resist those efforts to the fullest.
But Israel is a Jewish state just as states all over the world have their own identity. All the Arab states have their own flags which represent Arabs and often Islam. France has its identity etc.
As a Jewish state, Israel has symbols representing the Jewish people but that in no way stands in the way of minorities living in Israel having full and equal rights as citizens.
When Arab citizens of Israel fight against discrimination, we are with them. When they talk of the need to end the Jewish state of Israel, then we will oppose and resist those efforts to the fullest.

Dear Mr. Foxman,
In the past few years the language of Israeli parties calling for the “transfer” of Palestinians either from the West Bank and Gaza or from inside the 1948 boundaries of Israel has become more pronounced. These parties use very racist language against us and they have even been in the government.
Do you believe that Israel is justified to use “transfer” or expulsion is it is the only way to maintain a Jewish majority? Do you believe that parties that do not unequivocally reject “transfer” should be banned from being part of the Israeli government? Yousef
Occupied Jerusalem, Palestine
In the past few years the language of Israeli parties calling for the “transfer” of Palestinians either from the West Bank and Gaza or from inside the 1948 boundaries of Israel has become more pronounced. These parties use very racist language against us and they have even been in the government.
Do you believe that Israel is justified to use “transfer” or expulsion is it is the only way to maintain a Jewish majority? Do you believe that parties that do not unequivocally reject “transfer” should be banned from being part of the Israeli government? Yousef
Occupied Jerusalem, Palestine

Abe Foxman: We speak out against calls for “transfer”. We believe that Israeli Arabs are citizens of Israel and have the right to live in Israel as other citizens.
Of course, people raise the question: if Arabs live in Israel, why can’t there be Jews living in a Palestinian entity? A legitimate question, as long it does not challenge the sovereignty of a Palestinian state.
Again, the beauty of Israel is that it is a democratic and Jewish state. The way to maintain that is not through transfer but solutions where there will be two states and where Israel can live in security. Transfer is not the answer.

Of course, people raise the question: if Arabs live in Israel, why can’t there be Jews living in a Palestinian entity? A legitimate question, as long it does not challenge the sovereignty of a Palestinian state.
Again, the beauty of Israel is that it is a democratic and Jewish state. The way to maintain that is not through transfer but solutions where there will be two states and where Israel can live in security. Transfer is not the answer.

Does the ADL believe Torah study can combat anti-Semitism? This is an integral part of Haredi Judaism. Yechiel Haredi
Phoenix, Arizona
Abe Foxman: We are not a religious organization. We are a human relations agency. Having said that, we have great respect for religious freedom and understand how vital religion has been and will be in the survival of the Jewish people.Phoenix, Arizona

Fighting anti-Semitism involves many things. One is having a good image of oneself. Strong beliefs contribute to that self-image, as do the values of our people.
Recent events in Kosovo, ie the declaration of an independent Kosovo last Sunday sparked discussions among the Palestinians living in the Galilee. ‘If Kosovo can do it, why can’t we?…. and they just might very soon. The people of Kosovo had enough domination from the Serbs and the Yugoslavians before that. The Palestinians know too well how that feels. Those living in the Galilee are looked at no differently than other Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank or Gaza… they too are fed up with the occupation.
If Theodore Herzl was able to convince enough of his people to rally for a homeland for the Jews, why can’t the likes of an Azmi Bishara do the same for the Palestinians? Obviously he can!
Rest of article here
(Remember to click links to see artwork)
"Israel’s ‘claim to fame’ is that it is ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’… Yes, it’s true!! It’s the only country in the Middle East where the soldiers have the freedom to shoot American tourists…
It’s also the only country in the Middle East where members of the Parliament are teargassed for expressing their opinions…
Both of the above happened today at an ongoing demonstration against the wall of apartheid that has been going on for three years now..
So yes, Israel is a democracy…. as long as you keep your mouth shut and allow the occupation and genocide of Palestine to continue. The following is a report of the demonstration that took place earlier today…
"Tourist moderately hurt during Bilin protest"
Palestinians, Israelis and foreign peace activists hold rally in village of Bilin marking three years since struggle against separation fence was launched in area. American tourist injured by rubber bullet, MK Barakeh hurt after inhaling teargas
by Ali Waked
An American peace activist was moderately injured Friday afternoon after Border Guard officers and IDF soldiers fired rubber bullets and teargas at demonstrators in the Palestinian village of Bilin, participants reported.
The activist was evacuated to the Ramallah hospital. Other protesters, including Hadash MK Mohammad Barakeh, were hurt after inhaling teargas, witnesses said. An elderly men required hospital treatment.
Some 2,000 people attended the rally, which marked three years since the struggle against the construction of the separation fence near the village was launched....."
Wait a minute (me again)!
Why isn't Bush raising holy hell with the Israeli government over this?
I don't like this one bit; that's ONE OF OURS, dammit!!!!!
"One being the siege of Gaza, the other being the division of Palestine (and Palestinians)…. both brought about jointly by Israel and the USA…
Israel ignores peace
Despite offers of a ceasefire from Hamas, Israel looks set on a full-blown attack on Gaza that could seriously backfire, writes Khaled Amayreh in Ramallah
Hamas has been sending definitive signals of its willingness to sign a dignified truce with Israel in return for its lifting its harsh blockade on the Gaza Strip as well as ending bloody and unrelenting Israeli attacks which wreak death and havoc on the coastal territory’s civilian inhabitants.
Read the rest HERE"
(Remember to click links to see artwork)
".... Abbas would like the West to believe that he is the legitimate leader of the Palestinian people…. trying desperately to hide the fact that he and the ‘government’ he (and Israel) set up is nothing more than a kapo regime established only to serve the interests of Israel, the occupier.
There have been many, within the West Bank, that have been exposing the collaborations between Abbas and Olmert, critical of the phoney ‘peace process’ that they have been conducting. One such person is a regular contributor to this Blog, a dear friend of mine named Khalid Amayreh. He just sent me the following….. I will keep you posted about developements regarding this matter.
The pen is a powerful weapon if used properly. Khalid has been using it properly to bring the truth to his readers… this is the ‘reward’ he is getting…."
Going to make you click on to get the rest of that story.
Please do so, readers.
Hey, I read it. Why do you think these posts take so long?
(Remember, artwork)
"The following paragraph is taken from THIS document… just one of thousands of such reports of how Israel nearly succeeded in cleansing Palestine of it’s population 60 years ago. The cleansing continues to this day…. under the watchful eye of the silent world.
“The occupation forces searched the village dignitaries, including my father, and told them that the people had to leave for two weeks for ‘security reasons’, because the village is located near the Lebanese border. I escaped into the mountains for two days because my father told me: ‘Run to the mountains! The army wants to kill the youths.’
Those ‘two weeks’ have stretched into SIXTY years… sixty years later millions are still running.
I've got to put this picture up:
Palestinian Committee Against Siege (PCAS)
"Millions of people in the participating countries of the Global day for Gaza Strip lived in darkness for 5 minutes in solidarity of with poor besiege people.Around 86 cities and towns involved in this step to help the civilians in the Gaza strip.
Reporters of PCAS in UK, France and some European countries reported that most of the main cities, completely or partially switched the lights off in a response of PCAS’s call for a global day of actions to end Gaza Siege.
In France, around 10 cities marked the occasion today to convey their full support for the people of Gaza and they turned the lights off to experience what Palestinians are living now.
Michelin Gurege, ISM member and PCAS coordinator in France said that all people across French cities showed that the Palestinian cause is one of their common concerns.
“My spirits became high while I was having a tour in these cities seeing Palestinian flags everywhere,” Michelin said.
It’s remarkable that around 70 countries took part in this Global day and actions are still ongoing till this moment (CET 20.00).
Russia and France witnessed ten actions of protests in nearly 10 cities for each. In Ukraine about 9 cities participated as well.In Europe, 2 or 3 cities in most of the countries marked the occasion.
That photograph just shreds my heart, folks.
What did that little kid ever do to ANYONE, readers?