Monday, February 11, 2008

9/11 Truth is Dead

I'm one of the Truthers who has become more and more disenchanted as the uncontested losses piled up on him soon after the process began.

Paul seemed intent to allow stolen votes and lost delegates without putting up too much of a fight.

When he says the R3VOLUTION will continue, well, I was here before he was and I am still here after he's gone!!

I did all the protesting and electioneering in 2003 and 2004. Nothing.

The reason I started blgging in Sept '06 was to prevent another stolen election.

Didn't matter. Just like the crowing and jazzed up Ron Paul campaign.

And for what? A choice between Obama, Hitlery and Mad Mac?!

So my faith in some perspectives has definitely taken a hit.

I'm leaving up the side photos, etc, but I am starting to doubt some of my favorite links sites.

They do provide great information -- everyone provides a bit of truth -- but this whole 2008 election has been an experience.

What it comes down to is whose viewpoint and whose objectives are ultimately being met.

When I first started writing, I didn't see a Zionist influence behind the newspapers, et al.

I actually believed in so many things I shouldn't have.

Now, I don't know whom to trust, everyone seems to be a false-friend or disinfo agent.

What I do know is there is no change.

I'm tired of hearing how 9/11 Truth and Ron Paul are making gains, blah-blah-blah, when they obviously they are not.

America is dead, world, and Rense's blog post captured my feelings in so many ways...

"911 Truthers to blame for Ron Paul"

" :D As predicted by members of this network, Ron Paul is not the new revolution, his campaign is fuckin dead, what a waste of time. It seems his backing by lunatic 911 truthers turn the American voting population against him.

Did it now?

Shows me that the MSM is working great and that 911 is a dead issue, Mossads involvement is now only an urban legend, thanks AJ.


Ron Paul's Goodbye
By Jeff Rense

The real issue now is that Ron Paul is effectively out of the race ....whether he directly came out and said it or not. In his statement of thanks to his supporters (see below), he also announced he's cutting his staff way back. The message is clear.

The last Ron Paul 'money bomb' showed a substantial loss of support momentum...which was/is largely the result of his complete public disassociation and denouncement of the entire 911 Truth Movement during that national 'debate' several weeks ago.

That was either a bald-faced, enormous, lie to try to keep himself politically 'alive' ... OR that is HIS truth.

Either way, it cost him a lot of support.

We know several Ron Paul backers who dropped him at that moment... and it was reflected in the failed, subsequent fundraising.

His poor showing (absolutely expected) in the primaries was the final truth his devoted supporters had to swallow: the system is totally owned and operated by the controllers. Period.

Many Paulites will now walk away from this obviously, hopelessly corrupt and manipulated political charade in America...and will never look back. Some will stay.

Ron announced."I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican"and will not leave the party to run as an independent. (A Paul-Kucinich ticket would have at least been FUN).

WHAT Republican party?? That was a lamentable statement to read. Ron must be thinking it is still the Republican Party of the 19th century.

The Republican 'party' NOW stands for the BIG LIE, it stands for CRIME and DEATH, for GENOCIDE and PERVERSION, for TAXATION and GRAFT, for the FED and FINANCIAL RAPE, for DOMESTIC SPYING and the PATRIOT ACT, stands for the end of LIBERTY and of our CONSTITUTION. Above all, it now stands for Zionism and WAR.

That statement alone probably ended about half of his remaining support. As we said many months ago, if he does NOT run as an independent, he will effectively put 'finis' to the majority of passion and commitment of the small, brave patriotic movement his message and vision created in this rat hole political paradigm. And if the controllers are as smart as we think, they may well have orchestrated much of the 'Ron Paul phenomena' to ultimately send the message, yet again, that 'resistance is futile!'

Ron said he needs to go home to Texas and work for his re-election to the House. That's a wise decision because the enemies of freedom and the Constitution, knowing all along he never had a chance in hell of gaining the nomination, will now try to unseat him...and they can do so if it be their will. Ask Cynthia McKinney.

So, even though he says he's 'still in the race' it is totally meaningless. Publicly, via his disassociation from 911 Truth, he is 'officially' standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Bush/Cheney and Zionism on 911.

He had a GREAT opportunity to bring 911 Truth forward during the campaign...and chose to hide it.

And, God forbid, if he really spoke HIS truth in the debate about the whole 911 issue, he is clearly, totally, disconnected from the biggest reality of our time: that 911 was an inside job.

Sad to see him give it up...but it was totally predictable and comes as no surprise. For his die-hard supporters and those who cherish America's nearly vanquished past magnificence, keep at it. Work at the local for office... just know that the clock is ticking and the enemies of Freedom stand all around us and often in between us.

Of all the great American political leaders who sacrificed their lives for freedom, Ron chose, instead, to quote the zionist maniac killer Communist Trotsky about the 'revolution being permanent.' A strange choice. The statement could have been made without the need to acknowledge a Bolshevik madman.

In any case, the 'Ron Paul Revolution' is over... now just a footnote, an asterisk, in the grim record of these darkening times. Certainly, some will endeavor to carry on his themes...something the CIA/NSA supercomputer models knew and predicted long ago.

Ron Paul is a grand anachronism...a principled man out of time, as it were. He truly made a difference. And for that we owe him much.

Arthur Topham
Dear Reader,

Jeff Rense's pithy comments regarding the Ron Paul "revolution" are poignant and timely. They indicate (to me at least) two things: first, the undying spirit of freedom and resistance to the clear and present danger posed by the Zionist forces who have consistently circumvented US policy since the days of Woodrow Wilson and the formation of the privately-owned Jewish banking cartel euphemistically known as the Federal Reserve. That spirit of freedom and independence has withstood close to a century of subterfuge, betrayal, intimidation and blackmail by this small sect of psychopaths and their sell-out sycophants in government. Millions have been sacrificed upon the alter of Mammon to satisfy the insatiable lust of these Pharisee-driven fanatics in their relentless quest to destroy the west's Christian heritage of the past two thousands years and bring in an atheistic, totalitarian, one world dictatorship under the complete domination of the international Zionist-driven, Talmudic banking syndicate.

The second thing that comes to mind in reading Rense's piece is that it graphically illustrates the scope and magnitude of the Zionist plotters. Over and over and over again I and so many others have been crying out in the public wilderness of this imminent danger to our basic, inherent freedoms posed by these Zionist elements within the media, government and the military/industrial complex. Their power and their danger is so amazingly pervasive and vast that it continually boggles and confuses the minds of the masses who are still held in mental thralldom to their Zionist-controlled television sets and newspapers. It is here that the greatest threats to the freedom of the people are to be found in the mental mind-control of the masses.

Now that Ron Paul has drained off the energies of the last vestiges of the freedom-loving American electorate the electronic ballot boxes, built and controlled by the Zionist Israeli forces embedded within the American machinery of government, will proceed to drive the last spike through the free hearts of the American Republic and usher in another, and possibly a final regime of Zionist-Jew controlled puppets who will fulfill their pre-conceived duty and destroy the freedom of the Internet and along with it the last, ultimate hope of any peaceful, amiable solution to the disaster of the last century of Zionist rule of America.

It's a grim prognosis I know but like all the other lesser grim prognoses over the past forty years that I and others have been screaming into the ears of the somnambulant masses glued to their Zio-tubes like mesmerized, mind-controlled automatons, this one may be the final outcry before the fecal matter hits the proverbial fan and like Jim Morrison of theDoors once prophetically remarked, "The whole shit house goes up in flames!".

All I can possible add, while I see in my mind's eye the wagons slowly beginning to circle, is that those who are now preoccupied with personal, ego pursuits of whatever nature ought to pause and take a moment to reflect upon what should be their foremost priority during these times and then hopefuly lay down their daily pursuits and consider the coming days ahead and decide where they will stand.

Peace & Justice for All,

Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada's Radical News Network
"Digging to the root of the issues since 1998"

Ron Paul - 'There Will Be
No Third Party Run'
Turns Attention To Keeping His Congressional Seat
Message from Ron Paul

Whoa! What a year this has been. And what achievements we have had. If I may quote Trotsky of all people, this Revolution is permanent. It will not end at the Republican convention. It will not end in November. It will not end until we have won the great battle on which we have embarked. Not because of me, but because of you. Millions of Americans -- and friends in many other countries -- have dedicated themselves to the principles of liberty: to free enterprise, limited government, sound money, no income tax, and peace. We will not falter so long as there is one restriction on our persons, our property, our civil liberties. How much I owe you. I can never possibly repay your generous donations, hard work, whole-hearted dedication and love of freedom. How blessed I am to be associated with you. Carol, of course, sends her love as well.

Let me tell you my thoughts. With Romney gone, the chances of a brokered convention are nearly zero. But that does not affect my determination to fight on, in every caucus and primary remaining, and at the convention for our ideas, with just as many delegates as I can get. But with so many primaries and caucuses now over, we do not now need so big a national campaign staff, and so I am making it leaner and tighter. Of course, I am committed to fighting for our ideas within the Republican party, so there will be no third party run. I do not denigrate third parties -- just the opposite, and I have long worked to remove the ballot-access restrictions on them. But I am a Republican, and I will remain a Republican.

I also have another priority. I have constituents in my home district that I must serve. I cannot and will not let them down. And I have another battle I must face here as well. If I were to lose the primary for my congressional seat, all our opponents would react with glee, and pretend it was a rejection of our ideas. I cannot and will not let that happen.

In the presidential race and the congressional race, I need your support, as always. And I have plans to continue fighting for our ideas in politics and education that I will share with you when I can, for I will need you at my side. In the meantime, onward and upward! The neocons, the warmongers, the socialists, the advocates of inflation will be hearing much from you and me.



Comment from post:

"End of 911 investigation by MSM

CNN are repeating old photos of some Patsies that the US military will find guilty.'

Ron Paul blew the 911 movement

Damn back to normal and the fight goes on.

However, what are all these butt-lickers going to do now?

Bill O'Reilly 1, Sean Hannity 1, MSM 1

Truthers 0, AJ 0, Ry Dawson 0

Ogstein 1, Prothink 1, DBS 1, HHQ 1"

I wish I could argue, but 9/11 Truth has lost.

America is once again ready to buy another false-flag cover story of Muslim terrorists attacking us.

How sad.