Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Zionists Declare 9/11 Truthers Terrorists

UN-flipping-believable! First thing I hit when I start my blog surf.

That's right!

As MLK and Ghandi proved, first they ignore us, then they attack us, then we win!

Simon Wiesenthal Center presents 9/11 sites alongside radical Jihadist sites to House Hearing on "Terrorism and the Internet"

9/11 Blogger
Tuesday November 13, 2007

On Tuesday, November 6, 2007, a House Homeland Security Subcommittee had a hearing on "Terrorism and the Internet". The hearing featured presentations from several groups, including the RAND Corporation, and Mark Weitzman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center. The hearing was chaired by Democratic Rep. Jane Harman, and ranking Republican, Rep. Dave Reichert.

Toward the end of the hearing, Weitzman rolls out a PowerPoint presentation that presents a few 9/11 truth sites sandwiched in between websites that offer training in terrorist tactics, and a website that glorified the attack of 9/11. Among the websites presented under the heading "Internet: Incubator of 9/11 Conpiracies and Disinformation", are Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and other sites, such as Killtown's, who brought this Hearing to our attention.

Now, we wouldn't want anybody getting the wrong idea here. Here at 911blogger we are opposed to any and all terrorist activities, including STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM. Don't really care who the state is either. It's all bad.

Californians, if Harman is your representative, please set her straight. Washington state, if Reichert is your critter, don't let him absorb this crap with no static.

CSPAN has been more than fair to 9/11 skeptics. Last year they broadcast Alex Jones' American Scholars Symposium, in 2005, they broadcast David Ray Griffin, and they will probably listen to feedback regarding this broadcast.

View the hearing as a video stream here -- the pertinent section begins at the 43:31 mark, but I recommend watching the entire program, because there is so much disinformation in the broadcast itself, it's hard to know where to begin unraveling it.

Homeland Security - Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment

Please ask the Simon Wiesthenthal Center (Mark Weitzman in particular) to stop conflating terrorist violence with 9/11 truth, and even though he has not extended the courtesy to us, be polite;


Copyright © Infowars.net All rights reserved.

Printed from: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/november2007/131107Wiesenthal.htm

I did send an e-mail and it was polite.

And just who are the terrorists, anyway?

Who are the Terrorists - 9/11 Truth Activists or Those Who Promote False Flag Terror?"


Friday, November 09, 2007

Who are the Terrorists - 9/11 Truth Activists or Those Who Promote False Flag Terror?

People who question 9/11 are being labeled by some as "terrorists". Are they?

Initially, that means calling at least a third of the American public -- including millions of high-level military leaders, members of Congress, 9/11 Commissioners, intelligence professionals, legal scholars, heroic first responders, family members of 9/11 victims, and other patriotic Americans -- terrorists.

Moreover, according to the Department of Defense's Military Dictionary, terrorism is "The calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear. Terrorism is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological."

Are those who question 9/11 using or threatening violence in order to cause widespread fear to achieve political changes?


Those who question the government's version of 9/11 are peaceful, intelligent grandparents, children and parents. They are peaceful, patriotic people. They are neither using violence or threatening the use of violence (if anyone advocates violence in the name of 9/11 truth, they are most likely government infiltrators).

Indeed, what motivates many 9/11 truth activists is the desire to prevent future acts of violence.

On the other hand, those who carried out or aided and abetted the 9/11 attacks may very well carry out additional acts of terror unless their past terrorist activities are revealed.

Indeed, those trying to stifle questions about the events of 9/11 are actually threatening the use of violence to stop the discussion. Neocon bootlicker Danny Bonaduce called for Rosie O'Donnell to be executed for questioning 9/11. Bill O'Reilly said "This is going to lead to death" and makes all kind of threats stating, "If they are not reigned in by the authorities, and they should be...somebody is going to get hurt." Such statements are, in fact, a form of terrorism, and also constitute the criminal felony of "inciting violence".

So who are the terrorists?"