"Antitorture protesters act out waterboarding" by Lara Jakes Jordan/Associated Press November 6, 2007
WASHINGTON - Protesters staged a waterboarding yesterday outside the Department of Justice.... About 25 protesters describing themselves as antiwar activists and actors responded with a demonstration of waterboarding that brought a volunteer to retching coughs and tears in less than four minutes.
Maboud Ebrahimzadeh, 26, an Iranian-American actor from Maryland:
"I wanted desperately to scream but I couldn't because as soon as I would - water. Water would go through the mouth and through the nose."
Ebrahimzadeh struggled against his supposed interrogators as they yelled questions and forced him to lie on his back, a cloth over his face, his legs elevated. They poured two gallons of water over his face. The process was supposed to resemble the one CIA interrogators are believed to have used on terrorism detainees....
However, Ebrahimzadeh's interrogators put a plastic cage between his face and the cloth to make sure he did not inhale too much water and, potentially, drown or asphyxiate....
The Bush administration has sidestepped questions on whether it has allowed CIA interrogators or other employees to use it against terror detainees.
In a letter to the Senate panel yesterday, 21 military and intelligence officials urged lawmakers to delay voting on Mukasey's confirmation until he clarifies his position on waterboarding:
"The most likely explanation for Mukasey's reticence is his concern that, should his conscience require him to condemn waterboarding, this could cause extreme embarrassment and even legal jeopardy for senior officials."
That's RIGHT!!!
That means Georgie and Rummy and Alberto and Dogshit!
This guy says it better:
Olberman drops a bomb on Cheney's S&M Krewe