Sunday, November 11, 2007

Somali Surprise

Because I'm always surprised to see it in the papers:

"Mogadishu Death Toll Rises After Reprisals"

MOGADISHU, Somalia, Nov. 10 (Reuters) — Residents found at least 17 more bodies here on Saturday, bringing the number of people killed to about 60 after two days of reprisal attacks by Ethiopian soldiers. The Ethiopian military has been attacking insurgent strongholds here in the capital.

Although no fighting was reported Saturday, Ethiopian soldiers patrolled in force throughout the capital.... fighting that has sent hundreds of thousands fleeing.

Omar Ahmed, a resident of Mogadishu’s Blacksea neighborhood:

We were trying to collect at least 17 dead bodies, but Ethiopian tanks and troops moved toward us so we ran away.”

Ethiopians struck that area and others on Thursday and Friday, and more than 43 people died in barrages of gunfire and tank shells as the battle raged. Ethiopian troops attacked several neighborhoods seeking their dead soldiers.

Rights groups have criticized the Ethiopian troops for failing to distinguish between civilians and insurgents, but residents say it is difficult to tell in a city where most men have firearms.

Human Rights Watch’s Africa director, Peter Takirambudde, said in a statement that the international community needed to step in to stop the bloodshed in Mogadishu:

The international community should condemn these attacks and hold combatants accountable for violations of humanitarian law, including mutilating captured combatants and executing detainees.”

They are only poor black people, so no one cares!

The mayor of Mogadishu, Mohamed Dheere, who for years was an influential warlord with Ethiopian backing, told local news media on Saturday that the insurgents were to blame for the reprisals.

Dheere, referring to the militant wing of one of the ejected Islamist groups:

The Ethiopians are responding to attacks from the Shabaab.”

Or so says the guy whom the Islamists ran out.

You know, one of our raping, thieving, murdering war lords!

And defending Ethiopia isn't gonna help you much with the Somalis, dude!