Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Revolutions Driven By Zionists?

The Zionists' Revolutionary Technique

"Jews say . . .

"There is no limit to the depths of human depravity, Captain Maule Ramsay . . . seems to have made a very determined attempt to plumb those depths." The Jewish Chronicle

"The publication of such a book, at this time, underlines the urgent need for the law to be reformed so as to make it a crime to preach racial hatred or publish libels on groups in the community." The Daily Worker

This is an outstanding short book which lays bare the time tested MO of the criminal Jewish cabal from the English Revolution through the 20th century.

Does this look/sound familiar? Make sure to put copies under the tree for family and friends.

The process or organizing revolution is seen to be firstly the infliction of paralysis; and secondly, the striking of the blow or blows.

It is for the first process, the production of paralysis, that the secrecy is essential. Its outward signs are debt, loss of publicity control, and the existence of alien-influenced secret organizations in the doomed state.

Debt, particularly international debt, is the first and over-mastering grip. Through it men in high places are suborned, and alien powers and influences are introduced into the body politic. When the debt grip has been firmly established, control of every form of publicity and political activity soon follows, together with a full grip on industrialists.


Here is the story that people have said would never be written in our time — the true history of events leading up to the Second World War, told by one who enjoyed the friendship and confidence of Mr. Neville Chamberlain during the critical months between Munich and September, 1939...

"The Nameless War" reveals an unsuspected link between all the major revolutions in Europe — from King Charles I's time to the abortive attempt against Spain in 1936. One source of inspiration, design and supply is shown to be common to all of them. These revolutions and the World War of 1939 are seen to be integral parts of one and the same master plan.

After a brief review of the forces behind the declaration of war and the world wide arrests of many who endeavoured to oppose them, the author describes the anatomy of the Revolutionary International machine — the machine which today continues the plan for supranational world power, the age-old Messianic dream of International Jewry.

Here's the PDF."