Thursday, November 15, 2007

Registering Repuglican and Done

Well, I just found out that Massachusetts closed its primaries to independent voters!

Ain't that a kick in the head from the dogshit liberal fucking shitstink state I live in!


That's a memo to the rest of the world who thinks the great liberal state would be a nice place.

This fucking stinkholes around here are as bad as any other state's asshole stinkshits!!!!!!!!

In fact, THEY ARE WORSE because they are stinkfuck DemocraPs!!!!!!

DemocrapPs eat diarrhea shits!!!!!!!!

The little fascista lefty crowd with it's divisive "rights" agenda!

Here's an example:

The fucking puke stink governor wants to build casinos in three towns -- while ARRESTING ON-LINE GAMBLERS!!!!

Then he signs a buffer zone around the abortion clinics to be against the protesters.

Yeah, we know all about that.

Only state-sanctioned protests are allowed in AmeriKa!

Fucking lefty liberal types are just fine with shutting down free speech when it comes to their murderous, politically-correct agenda!

Case three: They want to ban smoking in your home.

Sig Heil or what!

As for the rest of the MSM, I am sick of digesting their shit lies day after day.

You want to know about 9/11. the New World Order, and the poisoning of our children, and the annihilation of 80% of humanity?

Go to Alex Jones'
Prison Planet or Infowars or Truth News.

Want to know how Israel is running U.S. foreign policy?

Go to Mike Rivero's
What Really Happened.

Want to know how the stink NaZionists control AmeriKan media?

Go to
Wake Up From Your Slumber.

Want to wrap it all up?

Then check out
Crimes and Corruption of the New World Order News.

As for me, I'm not copying Zionist-controlled War Daily stuff today.

I've really had it with being lied to by the MSM.

The state shenanigans surrounding voter registration for primary has sent me over the edge.

This country can rot and burn in hell for all care!

Have your god damn lying wars and your fucking fascist police state!

Send your kids off to die and feast upon their dead flesh, AmeriKa!!!!!

FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!