Friday, November 2, 2007

NATO's U.S. Baby Killers

The death toll in Afghanistan is rising as fast as the U.S.A.'s debt clock!

"Raid on Militants leaves three dead"

KABUL - A nighttime raid in eastern Afghanistan by US and Afghan troops sparked a gun battle that killed three people, including two children, and the military said yesterday it was investigating the deaths. Civilian casualties have incited resentment and demonstrations against United States and NATO forces, though officials blame militants who use civilian homes as cover during clashes. President Hamid Karzai has pleaded with Western forces to do all they can to prevent such deaths. The latest civilian casualties came in a raid by US and Afghan forces on a compound suspected of harboring militants belonging to a suicide bombing network (AP)."

Despite the world's pleas.... ssssssssssssssssssss.... BOOM!!!