"Palestinian Is Killed in Hebron as Police Disperse Protest Over Mideast Peace Talks" by ISABEL KERSHNER
JERUSALEM, Nov. 27 — A Palestinian man was killed Tuesday in Hebron on the West Bank as Palestinian Authority police officers loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas fired weapons to disperse protests against the Middle East peace conference taking place in Annapolis, Md.
That's strange because the Boston Globe reported that the shooter was UNCLEAR!
Sizing Gaza Up For Genocide
Oooooh, I am so tired of the damn MSM lies!
In Gaza, which is controlled by the Islamic group Hamas, crowds estimated at more than 100,000 came out to protest the Annapolis meeting.
The circumstances of the man’s death were not immediately clear, but medical workers said he had been shot in the chest, news media reported. The protesters and the police were also reported to have been throwing stones at each other.
A police spokesman in Hebron sent a statement to reporters denying that the police had killed the man, identified as Hisham al-Baradei, who was in his 30s.
The Hebron protest was one of several in the West Bank organized by Hizb ut-Tahrir — the Islamic Liberation Party — a small, unarmed, pan-Islamic group that seeks the return of the Caliphate and has become more active in the Palestinian territories.
The Palestinian Authority had announced a ban on demonstrations and news conferences during the Annapolis meeting, under a state of emergency it declared when Hamas took over Gaza after a factional war in June.
Hizb ut-Tahrir is independent of Hamas and criticized it for participating in Palestinian parliamentary elections in 2006.
In Ramallah, also in the West Bank, the police used batons and tear gas and fired into the air to hold back about 300 Islamic demonstrators at a city mosque. Dozens were arrested; some journalists were beaten and briefly detained. Earlier on Tuesday, police officers broke up a smaller demonstration by secularist groups.
That's the peace-loving, non-violent USraeli agent Fatah doing that, readers!
Just so ya know!
Inter-Palestinian violence has mostly been confined to Gaza and is much rarer in the Palestinian cities of the West Bank, where the Palestinian Authority, dominated by Fatah, Mr. Abbas’s party, holds sway.
As if it is Hamas driving the violence! I am SO TIRED of Zionist bullshit, readers!
In early November, Hamas police officers in Gaza shot dead seven Fatah supporters when the police broke up a rally on the third anniversary of the death of the longtime Palestinian leader and Fatah founder, Yasir Arafat.
There's a stock line lie that we will see incessantly, I'm sure!
Because Fatah started it!
Asshole Abass and Hamas
"Fatah partly provoked the violence. Soma Abu Aisha, 40, a Fatah supporter who was at the rally, said that what first angered the police was the removal of a Hamas flag from the top of a mosque minaret and its replacement with four Fatah flags. Also, she said that there was “shooting in the air from Al Azhar,” the university affiliated with Fatah, and that “once they shot, Hamas responded."
Baher Assaf, a Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman, said that the Palestinian Authority police had “used brutal force” against marchers in the West Bank, including live ammunition, killing one and wounding “hundreds.”
Mr. Assaf called the Annapolis meeting, where Israeli and Palestinian leaders agreed to work toward a peace pact by the end of 2008, “a conspiracy against the Islamic nation.”
The Palestinian Authority minister for prisoner affairs, Ashraf al-Ajrami, told The Associated Press that there was a “plot to harm the standing” of the Abbas government while Mr. Abbas was in the world limelight. Mr. Ajrami said the government “must investigate the events surrounding” the killing of the protester.
Protesters aside, many Palestinians in Ramallah seemed apathetic about the conference. At the Palestine coffee shop downtown, the news channel Al Jazeera was on mute as customers played cards and listened to music on the radio. The proprietor, who referred to himself as Jamal, 48, said people were not interested “because there were so many conferences that led to nothing.”
A Hamas protester in Gaza, Asma al-Fayoumi, 17, said: “There is a division among Palestinians. There are those after food, life, those that are materialistic, like Abbas, and there are those like us who are seeking life after death.” The large turnout in Gaza pleased her. “There are those who still enjoy good conscience,” she said.
Remember, it's a Zionist-controlled source, reader, so does this "radical" girl even exist?
I don't believe in the NYT anymore, readers.
I don't believe a word they say when all they are about is PUSHING the GLOBALIST AGENDA and WORLD VIEW!
Early Tuesday, Israeli forces fatally shot a Palestinian man who had been approaching them in the southern Gaza Strip, an army spokeswoman said. He turned out to have been unarmed, she said. Hamas said three of its militants had been killed in two other clashes with Israeli forces in Gaza."
Where is the headline?
Where is the condemnation on a historic day of peace?
Case closed, readers, case closed!
The New York Times is nothing but a Zionist, shit-spewing propaganda rag!
Need more proof?
"Image 'Copyleft' by Carlos Latuff and Yasmine

Great work, blogger!
And here is more off the blogs:
Israeli settlers attack Palestinian schoolgirls with axes
]November 26, 2007
In the West Bank city of Hebron Monday morning, Israeli settlers armed with axes came after the students of the Qurtuba School for girls. The settlers broke water pipes, menaced children, blocked the path to the school, and tried to set the school on fire.
The school's principal, Reem Ash-Shareef, reported that this is not the first time Israeli settlers have attacked the school. She stated that attacks are frequent, and students on their way to school are menaced by Israeli settlers on a daily basis. International human rights workers have had to accompany the schoolgirls, but they, too, have been attacked with regular frequency by Israeli settlers.
The settlers in the Hebron area, which number several thousand, are reputed to be the most violent and extreme of Israeli settlers. They colonized an area right in the middle of a Palestinian population center of 200,000 with several dozen settlers thirty years ago. Since that time, 5,000 Israeli soldiers have been stationed around them to 'protect’ the settlers from the Palestinians whose land they occupy.
Despite the constant provocation of the settlers, very few incidents of Palestinians attacking the settlers have been documented. But Hebron is the site of one of the bloodiest massacres of Palestinians by Israeli settlers – the 1994 massacre of 27 Palestinians praying in a mosque by Baruch Goldstein
Are these the actions of a nation that is seeking "peace" in the dog and pony show now going on in Annapolis?
Israel is always bragging about how it is a "nation of peace."
The only peace Israel wants is: a "piece" of Jordan; a "piece" of Syria; a "piece" of Lebanon; a "piece" of Egypt; a "piece" of Saudi Arabia; a "piece" of Iraq and whatever "pieces" are left after Israel finishes it's genocidal extermination of the Palestinians."
Attacking GIRLS with AXES!
Israel, every time I think you've sunk to the lowest depths, you outdo yourself!!!
And you did it again (all blogger, no me)!
Israeli Rabbi: Cleanse country of Arabs!
Rabbi: Cleanse country of Arabs
Kobi Nahshoni Published: 11.27.07, 10:36 / Israel Jewish Scene
Prominent right-wing rabbis gather for 'emergency meeting' ahead of Annapolis conference, state no peace can be achieved if Arabs stay on Israel's land
Just look at the innocent Israeli Rabbi Lior. How old does he look to you? It would seem to me that the Rabbi was certainly born before Israel was even established.. in other words, the Rabbi who wants to transfer the indigenous Palestinians from their own land was probably born an Austrian, German or Hungarian passport! He certainly wasn't an Israeli because there was no Israel then!!
"We must cleanse the country of Arabs and resettle them in the countries where they came from," head of the Yesha Rabbis Council, Rabbi Dov Lior, declared Monday, adding that, "If this means we have to pay them, we will. Without doing so, we will never enjoy peace in our land."
Can you imagine the Rabbi's arrogant and unabashed use of the word "cleanse" in reference to the Arab people?! And we are told day in day out how those Israelis are "peace-loving" and "democratic".. What a load of crap. The Rabbi then goes on to say that if transferring the Arabs means having to pay them, so be it... "let's pay them". It is of course easy for the Rabbi to speak. He doesn't pay anything. He lives totally at the expense of the American tax-payer.. and if Palestinians or Christian or Muslim Israelis were to be transferred and compensated, it is again the US tax-payer who would pay the bill..., not Rabbi Lior!
Lior made the statement during an "emergency meeting" of the Association of Rabbis for the People of Israel and the Land of Israel held in Jerusalem ahead of the Annapolis peace conference.
"You have no cause for concern, no peace will come out of all these conferences and agreements," Lior told the participants. The rabbi stated that although he was interested in peace, Israel could never hope to achieve peaceful relations "with evil people of this kind."
MK Uri Ariel (National Union), who also attended the meeting, said that the prime minister aimed to convince the public that Judea and Samaria should be given to the Palestinians. Ariel also called on the attendees not to waste their time on trying to change the minds of MKs and ministers. "This is a struggle of good versus evil," he exclaimed.
'No leader has the right to give away land'
Rabbi Zalman Melamed stated that assisting or participating in the handing over of parts of Eretz Israel to non-Jews was strictly prohibited. "We must declare clearly that we will not do anything that is against our holy Torah. We shall fight all those who attempt to violate the Torah's mitzvot."
Since the Rabbis know well that giving away land is not exactly the nicest thing to do... and since the Rabbis are willing to fight all those who might try... why an earth don't the Rabbis understand that the Palestinians and Arabs will never allow the Israelis to simply take away their lands which they have lived on for thousands and thousands of years and not 60 lousy years??!!
At the conclusion of the meeting, the association's secretary, Rabbi Yosef Artziel, read out the decisions agreed upon in the gathering: "No leader, in any generation, has the right to give away Eretz Israel… we call on the Jews abroad, and especially on community leaders and rabbis, to join us in our efforts against this treaty and its implications.
"Together, we will save the people of Israel from the government's terrible plan."
So Israel, what's next for inhumane depravity?
You guys are setting the standard!
Need a complete round-up?
Click here: Israeli pogrom in Palestinian village