Friday, November 16, 2007

Fuck France

Not going to vacation there, either. Not now.

"France OK's DNA tests on foreigners; Panel waters down controversial plan" by Doreen Carvajal/International Herald Tribune November 16, 2007

PARIS - A special session of the Constitutional Council that included two former presidents approved immigration legislation yesterday that has provoked an angry debate about using DNA testing for some foreigners who hope to join relatives in France.

The council accepted a law backed by the government of President Nicolas Sarkozy with some reservations, warning that the authorities should not resort to DNA testing for all immigrants.

The council rejected a provision of the law that would have allowed statistics to be collected on the ethnic origins of citizens, ruling that it was unconstitutional. But it accepted DNA testing, the council said, because the legislation stipulates that it must be conducted on a voluntary basis.

That decision was a widely awaited opinion that brought together two former presidents, Jacques Chirac and Valery Giscard d'Estaing, within France's highest legal authority for the first time in almost 50 years. The ruling followed an appeal by the Socialist Party, which argued that the testing would be a dangerous precedent because it would base immigration on genetics and would violate privacy and family rights.

Sarkozy's government was intensely criticized by the opposition and by some within his own party, with opponents comparing DNA testing to the anti-Jewish discrimination practiced by the Vichy government of World War II. Such testing is already used in at least 12 European countries, Australia, Canada, South Korea, and the United States.

How come the fucking ADL isn't raising a stink?

Jacqueline Weekers, a health-policy adviser at the International Organization for Migration in Geneva:

"More and more countries are turning to DNA testing as a tool to establish biological links."

As the world is turned into a fucking prison planet!

The International Organization for Migration advises governments about testing procedures, among other things. In the first half of 2006 it collected more than 1,600 samples of blood or inner-cheek cells from immigrants in more than a dozen countries who were seeking to live in Australia, Italy, the United Kingdom, and the United States."

Guinea pig immigrants, huh?