Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Economy Failing Because of American Consumer

The blogger is so accurate with his comments:

Don't look now: Here comes the recession

"The cash registers were ringing on Black Friday, but make no mistake: American consumers are jittery, and seem all but certain to push the U.S. economy into recession."

"Sure, blame the ordinary Americans for not borrowing and spending more to keep things going!

Let us not mention the out-of-control government debt that has choked out economy with higher taxes and reduced benefits

Let us not mention the tax cuts for the rich which were promised to stimulate job creation but which in fact accelerated the flow of higher paying manufacturing jobs to foreign shores, aided by yet more tax incentives

Let us not mention how Bush's war spending has drained the wealth of the nation and put it into the pockets of a select few while the product of our labors lies rusting in the deserts of Iraq alongside the pale forms of our dead children

Let us not mention the Federal Reserve as it pumps billions and billions of worthless phantom dollars into the banks to spare them from the effects of their reckless sub-prime follies

Let us not mention the billions of tax dollars sent to Israel while American men and women sleep in the alleys and eat out of trash bins

Let us not mention any of these things at all. Let us, as always, place the blame on the consumers who fail to buy what they are told to buy
." -- Mike Rivero, What Really Happened

Oh, and by the way, I am not spending a damn dime on Christmas.

The recipients are getting cold, hard cash!