Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Destruction of the American Family

I lay this right at the feet of the women's lib and pro-abortion groups.

Thanks a lot for destroying the American family with your globalist-backed insistence on "rights."

Not that you didn't have help from government and corporate policies that have also been designed to destroy the most primordial bonds we have: family.

I guess that's why AmeriKa hates Muslims so much, and why the world domination plan is meant to destroy them.

They are unwilling to submit to this type of "liberation."

And for those who doubt me, do the research.

Find out who funds those organizations, and why.

You are not going to like what you find:

The Feminist Movement was a CIA project of social ...

Of course, now that the government and society have destroyed America's families, they can now come after you.

Take a look:

"Nontraditional structure of families raises risk of child abuse, scholars say" by David Crary/Associated Press November 18, 2007

NEW YORK - Many scholars and front-line caseworkers who monitor America's families see the abusive-boyfriend syndrome as part of a broader trend that worries them. They note an ever-increasing share of America's children grow up in homes without both biological parents, and say the risk of child abuse is markedly higher in the nontraditional family structures.

Yeah, first destroy the families, then accuse what small structure is left of "child abuse."

Just another way this fascista government wants to get into your home and up your ass, folks!

The data on child abuse in America is patchwork, making it difficult to track national trends with precision.

But that never stops them from promoting their conventional myths and lies, folks!

Robin Wilson, a family law professor at Washington and Lee University.

"All the emphasis on family autonomy and privacy shields the families from investigators, so we don't respond until it's too late. I hate the fact that something dangerous for children doesn't get responded to because we're afraid of judging someone's lifestyle."

Unreal! What a little fascista!

Yup, if you are not married and living together, YOU NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED, readers!

Sig Heil, huh?

Census data leave no doubt that family patterns have changed dramatically in recent decades as cohabitation and single-parenthood became common."

Problem-reaction-solution right there!

Yup, the globalist destroyers CREATE the problem, react to it, and OFFER THEIR SOLUTIONS!

Sig Heil
, America!