Tuesday, November 13, 2007

DemocrapPs Batting Average on Iraq: .000

No commentary needed:

"Democrats go 0 for 40 on stopping the Iraq War"

"Since taking the majority, they have forced 40 votes on bills limiting President Bush’s war policy. Only one of those has passed both chambers, even though both are run by Democrats. That one was vetoed by Bush.

Indeed, the only war legislation enacted during this Congress has been to give the president exactly what he wants, and exactly what he has had for the past five years: more money, with no limitations

As was expected of them by their AIPAC controllers!

Here is the American public's ERA:

Democrats figure wars cost $20,900 per family

Plus the going rate for a father, or a son, or a daughter, or a mother, or brother, or sister

I don't know about the rest of you, but $20,000 would make a major dent in our current debt load.

Keep in mind that the $20,0000 does NOT include the decay of our national infrastructure, the neglected roads and bridges, the unrepaired levees, the budget cuts for fire prevention in California...

And don't forget that Bush lied us into this war! So why anyone thinks We The People are supposed to pay for it remains a mystery. It's Bush's private little war, so the Bush family should pick up the tab. I demand a refund! @#$%ing right now." -- Mike Rivero, What Really Happened

Right on, Mike!

And talk about balls: Bush vetoes health and education bill

That is as he signed his $460 billion war bill!

UP YOURS, Amurka!

The "San Francisco Democrats" are the handmaidens ...

"The "San Francisco Democrats" are the handmaidens for President George W. Bush: feckless, short-sighted and cynical. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., both wealthy San Franciscans, are leading voices in the congressional chorus that chooses convenience over principle and perceived political advantage over certain political truth.

Pelosi wants no talk of impeachment for Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other war criminals. She has done nothing to block funding for the war in Iraq, the only way to end the occupation, save Iraqi and American lives and let the Iraqi people determine their own destiny.

Feinstein made sure we now have as our nation's chief law enforcement officer a man who refuses to condemn drowning torture and believes the president has unlimited authority and need not respect the laws of the land."